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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I literally just asked a question. Believe it or not I am close friends with a missionary who goes to various reservations to help them with their churches. I have little issue with either Natives or Christians, although I find both groups to be rather defeatist and negative in their base philosophies. They aren't the only I think are negative, and they have more positive to be found than most, to be fair. Slow your roll. I asked a question.

[–]Pononimus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Oh... So, you're "close friends" of... Still, have you ever been to a reservation? Do you know any native people?

"I have little issue with either Natives or Christians, although I find both groups to be rather defeatist and negative in their base philosophies."

And yet, here you are, living in a nation that, historically, has been the most prosperous, most successful and freest of all nations in history because of (not in spite of) the very Judaeo-Christian "philosophies" that you somehow decided were "defeatist." The simple truth is that defeatist, negative philosophies don't produce successful nations full of successful people so that negates your supposition that those philosophies are "defeatist and negative."

Yes, the United States has had it's share of idiot "leaders" who made horrible mistakes and even committed more than a few atrocities but name one nation in history that hasn't done that? Also, name one nation in history that has worked harder than the United States to correct those mistakes and live up to the promises and ideals of its Constitution?

I was young during the Civil Rights Era and I saw ONE MAN inspire and incite an entire nation to a kind of amazing greatness that young people can't even imagine, today. Did he use guns? Did he riot in the streets? Did he say "Defund the Police"? or block freeways and roads? No. He led all black people with true courage and strength the likes of which isn't seen, anymore. That man was Dr Martin Luther King (a name which, shamefully, is almost never heard, anymore) and his leadership inspired all of America to live up to its promises and do great things. What motivated him? He was a Christian Minister who truly believed in what he preached. No hypocrite, he lived by the very words he preached to others.

Those days are long gone but it is my great good hope that another like Dr King will rise up in this great time of need and inspire us all to true greatness once again.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I said "in their base philosophies". I have indeed met Natives, many of them, and I have been on a reservation, albeit very briefly for it wasn't a friendly one for white-looking folks.

You, sir, have knee-jerk reactions to everything. I will engage with your tom-foolery no longer.

[–]Pononimus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well, I've met lots of white, black, Asian, Hispanic and what not people, too. MET them, not KNOW them. (You'll never know who my friends are or how many there are, much less what their racial background is since I really don't care about that at all.) Still, what you just said is the equivalent of saying, "Hey, some of my best friends are (state race or nation here.) Do you have any idea how RACIST that sounds? No, of course not! You're too busy wracking your brain trying to come up with whatever will seem like it'll "prove your point" and make you sound like you're right. How about; instead of doing that, take a moment to actually think about what you're going to type before you post any more deeply ingrained, well indoctrinated Leftist bullshit. So, do you actually KNOW any Native people? As in for years and years? As in getting to know them very well AS PEOPLE. Nah, I imagine you don't because it's clear you're too racist and bigoted to actually get to know anyone who's different from you, who holds different beliefs from you or who thinks differently than you do, which would be pretty much everyone who isn't you. Wow, you must have an incredibly lonely life!