body {
  font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
/* Change 'readers' box value */
div.titlebox span.word {
div.titlebox span.number:after {
    content: " Freed";
/* Change 'users here now' box value */
.users-online .word {
.users-online .word, .users-online .number:after {
    content: " plugged in right now" !important;

.theme-nightmode .link{
background-color: #000000;
border-color: #009933;

.theme-nightmode #sr-header-area a {
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.theme-nightmode .sr-bar .separator {
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/* This is used for when your Banner is too wide, it replaces the original saidit one and makes it scale with the screen instead of adding a scrollbar, No need to use the banner option in the settings menu if you do this*/
.theme-nightmode #header {
    background-image: url(%%InternetHeaderv2%%);
.theme-daymode #header {
    background-image: url(%%InternetHeaderv2%%);
#header-img, #header-img.default-header {
    background-image: none;
    min-height: 110px;

/*Changes the background and normal color of almost everything noteworthy on the sub*/
.theme-nightmode, .theme-nightmode .arrow, .theme-nightmode .side, .theme-nightmode .leavemoderator, .theme-nightmode .submit, .theme-nightmode .nub, .theme-nightmode .titlebox form.toggle, .theme-nightmode .access-required, .theme-nightmode .reddit-moderators, .theme-nightmode .md,.parent, .child, .theme-nightmode .pretty-form, .theme-nightmode .usertext-body.may-blank-within.md-container, .theme-nightmode .commentarea .comment, .theme-nightmode .commentarea .comment, .theme-nightmode .commentarea .comment .comment .comment, .theme-nightmode .commentarea .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment, .theme-nightmode .commentarea .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment, .theme-nightmode .commentarea .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment, .theme-nightmode .commentarea .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment .comment {
   background-color: #000000;
   color: #FFFFFF;
.theme-nightmode #header, .theme-nightmode .nav-buttons .nextprev a {
    background-color: #000000;

/*unsubscribe button*/
.theme-nightmode div.titlebox span.fancy-toggle-button.subscribe-button.toggle a:link {
  color: #000000;

/*The tabs of new, hot etc*/
.theme-nightmode .tabmenu li .choice{
  background-color: #000000;
  color: #009933;
.theme-nightmode .tabmenu li.selected .choice {
  background-color: #009933;
  color: #000000;

/* tag lines and buttons*/
.theme-nightmode .tagline, .theme-nightmode ul.flat-list.buttons a:link{
  color: #00FFFF;

/* link colors*/
.theme-nightmode a:link {
  color: #009933;
.theme-nightmode a:visited {
   color: #009933;
.theme-nightmode a:hover {
   color: #FF0000;

/*submit buttons*/
.theme-nightmode .submit a:link, .theme-nightmode .create a:link {
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
   color: #0000FF;
.theme-nightmode .submit a:hover, .theme-nightmode .create a:hover {
   color: #FF0000;

/*changes the text and default(when it's missing/can't be retrieved) tumbnail*/
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    background-image: url(%%nThumb%%);
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    margin-top: 0;
.theme-nightmode .thumbnail.default {
    background-image: url(%%dThumb%%);
    background-position: 0;
    margin-top: 0;

/*The vote buttons*/
.theme-nightmode .arrow.upmod {
    background-image: url(%%nmRPill%%);

    margin-top: 0;

.theme-nightmode .arrow.up {
    background-image: url(%%nmBPill%%);

    margin-top: 0;
.theme-nightmode .arrow.downmod {
    background-image: url(%%nmSmileyGreen%%);

    margin-top: 0;
.theme-nightmode .arrow.down {
    background-image: url(%%nmSmileyGray%%);

    margin-top: 0;

/* daymode */
/*changes the text and default(when it's missing/can't be retrieved) tumbnail*/
.theme-daymode .thumbnail.self {
    background-image: url(%%DnThumb%%);
    background-position: 0;
    margin-top: 0;
.theme-daymode .thumbnail.default {
    background-image: url(%%DdThumb%%);
    background-position: 0;
    margin-top: 0;

.theme-daymode .child {
    background-color: #fff;

/*The vote buttons*/
.theme-daymode .arrow.upmod {
    background-image: url(%%nmRPill%%);

    margin-top: 0;

.theme-daymode .arrow.up {
    background-image: url(%%nmBPill%%);

    margin-top: 0;
.theme-daymode .arrow.downmod {
    background-image: url(%%nmSmileyGreen%%);

    margin-top: 0;
.theme-daymode .arrow.down {
    background-image: url(%%nmSmileyGray%%);

    margin-top: 0;
