Old meme, still relevant, especially here(i.imgur.com)

Does Communism support free speech?(scontent-ams4-1.xx.fbcdn.net)

When you don't understand what's happening but still try to be helpful(i.imgur.com)

Sign: Due to COVID-19 we are asking rioters to...(files.catbox.moe)
Man injected with Bill Gates’s newest Vaccine suddenly thinks Internet Explorer is the best(babylonbee.com)

Hillary Clinton statement about Ghislaine Maxwell(i.redd.it)

I just want 2 fit in(magaimg.net)
Moloch Announces Forcing Your Kids To Become Transgender Is Acceptable Form Of Sacrifice(babylonbee.com)

Ash Ketchum Stripped Of Pokemon League Title After Old MAGA Hat Photo Surfaces(babylonbee.com)

Get your ya-yas out and we can begin(files.catbox.moe)

Community was ahead of its time(i.imgur.com)

We are witnessing History(i.redd.it)

Bless them(66.media.tumblr.com)
Far-Right Extremist Suggests Treating People Of All Races Equally(babylonbee.com)

Phyllis doesn't mince words(media.consumeproduct.win)