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[–]hennaojisan[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

...and I'm inclined to believe her story.

I am too. She learned a lot from her husband but also from all the people she met at cocktail parties or through her husband. She was on the hospitality committee (not sure if that is the term she used) for NATO Europe so she knows some things. She misses a few names but is clearly smart.

Some people she met called themselves anarchists or existentialists. They had read Satre, Camus, and probably Marcuse. Satre and Camus are saying: life has no meaning except whatever meaning you give it. Maybe they saw Zionism as a way to give their lives meaning.

The gay angle: She suggests that Free Masons, Skull & Bones at Yale and its equivalent at Princeton, have some rituals that may include "penetration." It doesn't get much gayer than that. And we don't need to touch on the Catholic Church since we all know its sexual preferences. If Ms. Griggs is close to the truth, the US military officer corps also has a large gay or bisexual contingent. Heavens.

So is this secret society, assassination, drugs, arms, money-laundering, intelligence stuff something new or has it been around a long time, and maybe even part of an ancient tradition?

Either way, it is a good technique for controlling operatives since each intel agency knows about other agents' sexual quirks, and probably has videos of things they would rather not be made public. Nowadays we have an openly gay presidential candidate so the threat of being exposed as a homosexual is not as onerous as in 1997 but ... maybe just that one time the boy was under eighteen.

A search for <Presidio, child abuse> turns up this old NYTimes article: "The Army announced it is closing and demolishing a child-care center at its base at the Presidio after allegations that as many as 60 youngsters were sexually abused there." Why demolish the center? DNA evidence?

Probably there are more such links to be found but forget wiki as it has been scrubbed.

I lived in Escondido, CA for only a year but really liked it so I know a bit about the area. San Diego was a center of activity according to Kay.