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[–]DirewolfGhost 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

God wants for nothing. Blaming God for ones own actions is rejection of accountability (like a woman). Like Hegel's dialectic, if God's plan could fail, it wouldn't be God's plan. God allows us to experience the consequences of our choices and to learn and grow. Its the only way for us to stop being infantile and narcissistic.

We have the choice to see "God" as good and to serve others or the choice to see "God" as evil and serve ourselves. Selfish with selfish leads to strife. Selfless with selfless leads to a paradise. Selfish with selfless leads to parasitism until the host (good) is strangled and "the love of many runs cold". Kali Yuga.

Jesus is a literary attempt at the example/archetype of perfect selflessness and was consumed. Just like Baldr was too good to live and was killed by Loki(chaos) tricking and Höðr (blind warrior aka social justice warrior) with a mistletoe arrow (parasitic plant associated with youth and lust, shot from the horny rainbow). Prophesied to be reborn in the new world after ragnarok/apocalypse/kali yuga (where its Krishna instead of Jesus/Baldr) .