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[–]RedditHasDied 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

1- False allegations of rape after regretting sex

2- Lesbians are number 1 per capita for domestic violence. (are they more violent or does this show that men are pressured to not report when women abuse them)

3- Society- especially female journalists - giving a pass to female teachers who rape students.

4- It’s mainly women who slut shame other women.

5- Abandoning children and child abuse is a female toxicity.

6- Lying about the wage gap.

7- Constantly using men to get what they want instead of applying themselves.

8- falsely calling western societies “rape cultures for women”. The only rape culture that is condoned is inside prisons for men. Male rapists of women will be attacked and killed instantly inside prisons. Women know it is never condoned in the west and use this lie to politically push for more handouts.

I’m sure there are more