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[–]Nwabudike_Morgan 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Now there is a sub that lasted a lot longer than anyone expected.

It is the one redeeming quality of reddit: the potential value of a transgressive subreddit is unpredictable, but there is no real review process for new subreddits, so they occasionally slip through.

Of course the latest round of bans appears to be focused on "gender" issues, so the gender critical crowd will not be able to re-establish themselves on reddit. In other words, reddit is finally paying attention to the "topic" of newly popular subreddits.

How did reddit become such an amazing failure? They have always avoided the Facebook model, because an "alias" allows people to be more expressive, but now the stakes are much higher. Yet "anonymous" accounts allows social media companies to influence people without any meaningful accountability, so there is high value there. Perhaps the endgame is to remove the anonymous aspect of the whole project, but in a wholly non-transparent way.