Tommy Robinson by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jesuits are all corrupt. I admit that. But I also understand that it is more than just the Jesuits. Also, why are you calling me a new ager? Is it because someone else posted a link to you and then you lied and said I did about the shill James Perloff who had occult crap on his site? If that is the case, that only proves you are so closeminded you won't even admit you were wrong.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

no peace with the jesuit, new ager, rotschild wine drinking shills.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You admitted it. I said you posted Zionist disinfo, you said prepare to get busy. As if now I must debunk more of your disinfo.


Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

note, if you keep pulling crap out of your ass, you will be banned.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, you just admitted that you are a Zionist and you are posting Zionist disinformation. Gotcha. At least you now admit it. What is your take on the chabad-Lubavitch movement?

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I go to church, occasionally, but church is filled with New age crap now. And Nesta Webster exposes the new age, occult and Kabbalah. Wikipedia was trying to trick people into thinkig she practices occultism. Thy are liars, just like how they lie about 9/11. Keep using wikipedia owned by a porn peddling Zionist to discredit yourself. I think using thr cannarymission was enougj for me to know that you aide with the Likud and Zionists. Which is fine as thousands do. But I'll co tinue to expose the unbiblical modern Israel.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

then prepare to get busy, shill

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't care you are posting Zionist disinformation.

Whitney Webb by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, and she does great work but Useless_aether thinks she is working for Russian as do all ZioCons.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i think i made it clear i am not interested in your opinons.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Fascist does not = Nazi

Fascist does not = Member of National soclialist German Workers Party

Fascist def. has been hijacked by academia and now can mean all kinds of things.

Webster detested Germany and Germany's secret socieites that pushed pan-Germanism which Hitler promotes.

Webster was NOT a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party. So dumb.

How can you freaking use wikipedia when they openly lie about 9/11 as a source to denounce anyone who talks about Zionists and Jews and Talmudism with sources that are from Jews!

In fact, she doesn't hate Jews at all and has relatives and friends who were Jews. How then could someone who detests Germany and Pan-Germanism be a Nazi, only Ziocon owned wikipedia would push this idiocy to discredit her well researched work. Maybe you should take the time to read it and aee that ahe also makes clear that COMMON JEW is being day in and day out propagandized by right-wing Likud Jews like Begin.

She wrote extensively on the Illuminati and international Jewish conspiracies, including publicising the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1920 and popularizing ideas about Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati.

No, she wrote about the Bavarian Illuminati with public archives and not lies peddled by disinfo agents. She even proved that Weishaupt was NOT A JEW nor a Jesuit. Someone I think all people, except zionists understand.

She also had a strong interest in Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and other mystical or esoteric topics.

She didn't have an interest in practicing these rites but in exposing them and using NOT HER OPINIONS but actual primary source material, like Eustace Mullins. Something Ellen Brown and Bill the shill Still Libartarian never, ever do.

Although she has never been respected by historians...

That's not true AT ALL; many historians respect her work on the French Revolution. And again, wikipedia doesn't source this statement, lmfao, hence they are using a fallacy to try to discredit her work. That would be if you wrote a book and were trying to sell it and then a bunch of people state:

His work isn't respected by us.

That doesn't mean anything. If anything it discredits those that are criticizing her work without even reading it.

...was praised by right-wingers from Winston Churchill to Pat Robertson and Gary North.

So? Just because someone praises someone, like how right wingers priase the Jew Gilad Atzmon for speaking out against Zionist and Bolshevik Jews doesn't mean anything. That is another fallacy called discredit by association. Jewish conspiracies...

Nope but certain Jews in high places that have co apired hust as she has written about Weishaupt, and the Jesuits conspiracies as well as the Templars.

...publicizing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1920 and popularising ideas about Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati.

She said it couod be a forgery but is still open to debate concerning its authenticity. This was in 1920 mind you.

She disn't popularize any idea. She literally used Weishaupt's own writings and those in the Bavarian Illuminati as well as their opposition and historians on secret societies to create a narrative.

She also had a strong interest in Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and other mystical or esoteric topics.

Wrong, not an interest but in writing and exposing them.

How come you attack me with Fallacies and anyone who disagrees with you? You use reductio ad absurdums and discredit by association fallacies.

Here is her work ; read it if you want and arop wasting your time believing fallacies on wikipedia:

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

keep drinking your rotschild wine, new ager.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

LMFAO, Nesta Webster detested the Nazis and Germany; she only supported Germany because she thought they would win against Sovietism. She was english and her book clearly lays out Pan-Germanism which she loathed.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lol, wikipedia. How about read her book shill.

Nesta Webster by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And yet, her secret society work is backed by sources. Stop attacking the messenger. Read her work. She's wrong about the ZoG and The Elders of Zion but right about a lot of other things including her interesting book on the French Revolution.

Useless, you're a Zionist stop trying to hide it. Using the canary mission as a source which is owned by two Zionists, one of which has family members in thr IDF is all I need to know. At least admit it and say the Palestinians are not a legitimate people as some of the sources you link say this.

Zionism is thr antithesis of Yeshua's teachings, same with reactionary beliefs. The Palestinians are being ethnically cleansed by the Jewish Likud.

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Whitney Webb by useless_aether in fof

[–]JasonCarswell 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

She's now moved from Mint Press News to The Last American Vagabond.

Whitney Webb by useless_aether in fof

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Max Igan by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He thinks the earth is flat.

Whitney Webb by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Canarymission is owned by two Israeli Zionists. If you promote it, your promoting Zionism.

Whitney Webb by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How about actually emailing her.

Here's a recent article that she wrote; it's amazing:

As for mintpressnews, yes, it was good before it started to get taken over by multilateralists. Quite obvious when it happened.

As for Webb, her twitter is pretty cool and she is at least open to talk. She did acknowledge that she's not a multilateralist and has no affiliations with Russia. Her newer articles are aound in my honest opinion. She was slandared in the pass by a neocon too.

Whitney Webb by useless_aether in fof

[–]FormosaOolong 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

CTRL-C oopsie?

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jordan Maxwell by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was banned off voat for calling out shills


Jordan Maxwell by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

voat and your antisemitism are a match made in haven.

calling out shills

it takes one to know one, jesuit shill.

Jordan Maxwell by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was banned off voat for calling out shills. Voat is a honeypot and half the people there hate black people. It is clear you are promoting Zionism by promoting the canary mission which links all the way back to Israel and the IDF.

Jordan Maxwell by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

i think you would be happier on voat! :-))

Jordan Maxwell by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Canary Mission is a website established in 2014[1] that compiles dossiers on student activists, professors, and organizations, focusing primarily on those at North American universities, which it considers be anti-Israel or antisemitic[2][3] and has said that it will send the names of listed students to prospective employers.[4] Canary Mission listings have been used by the Israeli government and border security officials to interrogate and deny entry to pro-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) US citizens,[5][6] and by potential employers.[7]

WHo funds and owns the Zionist Canary Mission:

Milstein was conscripted into the Israel Defense Forces and served during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

^ ^ ^ Mike Pense and Chuck Suchmer spoke at this council...


  • establish a Jewish-Israeli identity within the Israeli-American community

  • establish a stronger relationship between the State of Israel and Israeli-Americans

  • involve Israeli-Americans with pro-Israel movements

Your promotion of this anti-BDS website illustrates you are unAmerican.

Jordan Maxwell by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

San Francisco’s Jewish Community Federation funneled $100,000 to the anti-BDS blacklisting website Canary Mission shocked many. But that donation was only one in a long list of controversial far-right fringe causes supported by the federation through one of its largest “supporting foundations” – the Helen Diller Family Foundation.

Canary mission is a anti-BDS blacklisting site, who will slander anyone who speaks out against the Likudniks and ZIonism. Now I know, /u/useless_aether, for a fact, that you, possible unbeknowst to yourself, support the Zionist cause. I also know, becuase you have yet to answer the question on whether you support Trump, which I've asked 20+ times, that you must indeed support him.

And to attack me for promoting the Lobby doc., a doc that exposes the Zionists foothold on the US, illustrates that you are furthering the Zionist agenda.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with that. That Freemasonry hates the Catholic churc and monarchists, and so they formented revolutiona. But there are many different masonic lodges, thr continental ones and Orient lodges attack the other. Lodges before the 17th century were largely benign but were infiltrated.

About Napolean, he seemed to be against Jesuitism. I believe his revenge was centered around England and foreign banking interests.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks, I meant Jacobins.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Too bad the majority of citizens have disregarded this conciseness of vigilance and have instead fallen to the wayside, forgetting their past; advocating for principles which are staunchly contradictory to the peace, prosperity, and freedom of the common-man.

Yamaguchy writes here:

In which Lincoln states, on March 1, 1843—

a national bank, properly restricted, is highly necessary and proper to the establishment and maintenance of a sound currency, and for the cheap and safe collection, keeping, and disbursing of the public revenue

And on December 1, 1862, Lincoln adjusts his view on the form of central bank–

I know of none which promises so certain results as the organization of banking associations. To such associations the Government might furnish circulating notes, on the security of United States bonds deposited in the Treasury.

Lincoln on January 17, 1863–

currency can be furnished by banking associations, organized under a general act of Congress, as suggested in my message at the beginning of the present session.  The securing of this circulation, by the pledge of United States bonds, as therein suggested, would still further facilitate loans, by increasing the present and causing a future demand for such bonds.”

Wuites in Yamaguchy's articlec, please read it.

Mr. corporate lawyer Lincoln was FOR a privately owned –because when he used the term “National Bank” he meant a Biddle bank-like, private institution–, nation-wide, currency-issuing bank, using the credit and indebtedness (bonds) of the Federal government as the foundation of its operations.  Mr. Lincoln was all FOR a 3rd Bank o’ the U.S., but President Tyler vetoed the idea, twice!  Had Lincoln been around and president, he would have approved the Fed Res Act.  In 1863 Pres. Lincoln signed the National Currency Bank “Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a Pledge of United States Stocks,” which produced a banking system and currency, based on national indebtedness.

The idea of a Treasury Bank, after the fate of the treasury notes is not less ridiculous than its establishment would be dangerous.  Is experience to teach us nothing ?    —[ had such treasury bank been established in 1791, and bank charter and bank paper prohibited altogether, all the evil caused by bankers could have been avoided; but you don’t want that, you want bank paper, speculation, boom-bust credit cycle, permanent debt]

Yamaguchy in his address to greenback peddlers.

All this connects to Napoleon too, if one reads the banking documents freely available in Libraries.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


The Great Emperor raised the currency of France from all paper to all specie, in six years. In 1799, when placed at the head of affairs as First Consul, he found the currency a mass of ruin — neither the Government, nor the people, had specie, nothing but assignats and mandats depreciated a thousand per cent;  yet in six years that great man had chased away paper, and brought in above 500,000,000 gold and silver;  enough to revive industry, to sustain prices, to reward labor.

[This is exactly what should happen here in the US. This would ruin Financialization and money speculation engendering and promoting agrarian prosperity.]

When called to celebrate the immortal days of Austerlitz, Jena and Friedland, when the gigantic wars, the internal ameliorations, the national defences, and the almost fabulous magnificence of the imperial court, had carried the annual Government expenses to eight hundred million of francs –$160,000,000– the whole was paid in gold and silver! and the same precious metals constituted the exclusive common currency of the forty millions of souls which constituted the population of the empire.

This is what one man did in six years;  and can we not, in three or four years more, increase our specie from 90,000,000 to as much as will defray all the expenses of our Government in any war in which it can be involved, and furnish the common currency of our population besides ?

Surely we can;  and nothing but the errors of vicious legislation can prevent us from doing so;  and thus save a recourse, even in time of war, to the perilous resort of Treasury notes.

[Which the debt backed greenbacks, as you /u/useless_aether have advocated for were an evident harbinger, purposefully sought after and implemented to enact the National Bank Act and later the centralization of an incorporated central bank known as the Federal Reserve. ]

Yamaguchy has proven that conspiracy theorists have used the forgery of the Lincoln letter as false evidence that Lincoln was against the central banking scheme. In fact, the forgery evidently illustrates that Lincoln was staunchly against these bankers. And yet, when we rely on truth and not forgery, we see that Lincoln, 6 months before this forgery was signed and dated, enacted two pieces of legislation which issues the circulation of treasury notes.

Here's the stupid forgery:

My dear Colonel Dick:

I have long determined to make public the origin of the greenback and tell the world that it was Dick Taylor’s creation.  You had always been friendly to me, and when troublous times fell on us, and my shoulders, though broad and willing, were weak, and myself surrounded by such circumstances and such people that I knew not whom to trust, then I said in my extremity, ‘I will send for Colonel Taylor — he will know what to do.’  I think it was in January 1862, on or about the 16th, that I did so. Said you:  ‘Why, issue treasury notes bearing no interest, printed on the best banking paper. Issue enough to pay off the army expenses and declare it legal tender.’ Chase thought it a hazardous thing, but we finally accomplished it, and gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had — their own paper to pay their debts. It is due to you, the father of the present greenback, that the people should know it and I take great pleasure in making it known. How many times have I laughed at you telling me, plainly, that I was too lazy to be anything but a lawyer. Yours Truly.

A. Lincoln

It is a fake.

According to the fabricator of above letter, in January 1862 Lincoln was so demented that he did not remember that short 6 months earlier he had signed two acts which authorized the issue of Treasury notes.

The South and West held to it to attack any centralization of power that might lead to the National Banking Act. The civil war was fought over this very issue.

And to illustrate how blood thirst Lincoln and company was in attacking the South:

[July 4th, 1861. House of Representatives Speaker of the House, Galusha Grow, speaking:]

No flag alien to the sources of the Mississippi river will ever float over its mouths till its waters are crimsoned with human gore; and not one foot of American soil can ever be wrenched from the jurisdiction of the Constitution of the United States until it is baptized in fire and blood.”  (vociferous applause upon the floor and in the galleries, which lasted for many minutes.)

President Jackson called the attention of the people to the necessity of being vigilant, year after year;  the necessity of constantly educating themselves –and not waiting for others, for cheer-leaders and heroes, to do the informing and the vigilance for them;  to do the preserving their rights for them.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


The economic views of Napoleon in two languages:– Las Cases’ Conversations of Emperor Napoleon at St. Helena

  • 1st.—Agriculture;  the soul, the first basis of the empire.
  • 2nd.—Industry;  the comfort and happiness of the population.
  • 3rd.—Foreign trade;  the superabundance, the proper application of the surplus of agriculture and industry. ____

Agriculture was continually improving during the whole course of the revolution."

"Foreigners thought it ruined in France.  In 1814, however, the English were compelled to admit that we had little or nothing to learn from them."

“Industry or manufactures, and internal trade, made immense progress during my reign.  The application of chemistry to the manufactures caused them to advance with giant strides.  I gave an impulse, the effects of which extended throughout Europe."

“Foreign trade, which in its results is infinitely inferior to agriculture, was an object of subordinate importance in my mind.  Foreign trade is made for agriculture and home industry, and not the two latter for the former. "

"The interests of these three fundamental cases are diverging and frequently conflicting.  I always promoted them in their natural gradation;  but I could not and ought not to have ranked them all on an equality."

“When I came to the head of the government, the American ships, which were permitted to enter our ports on the score of their neutrality, brought us raw materials, and had the impudence to sail from France without freight, for the purpose of taking in cargoes of English goods in London."

"They moreover had the insolence to make their payments, when they had any to make, by giving bills on persons in London."

"Hence the vast profits reaped by the English manufacturers and brokers, entirely to our prejudice."

"I made a law that no American should import goods to any amount, without immediately exporting their exact equivalent."

"A loud outcry was raised against this :  it was said that I had ruined trade.  But what was the consequence ?"

"Notwithstanding the closing of my ports, and in spite of the English who ruled the seas, the Americans returned and submitted to my regulations.  What might I not have done under more favourable circumstances ?”


[23 JUIN 1816


He went from there to trade, to his principles, to the systems he gave birth to. The Emperor fought the economists, whose principles might be true in their statement, but became vicious in their application. The political combination of the various states, he continued, made these principles at fault; particular localities asked at all times for deviations from their great uniformity. The customs that economists blamed were not to be an object of tax, it is true; but they were to be the guarantee and support of a people; they had to follow the nature and purpose of the trade. Holland, without production, without manufactures, having only a warehouse and commission trade, had to know no obstacles or barriers. France, on the other hand, rich in production, in industry of all kinds, had to constantly be warned against imports from a rival that remained even superior to it; it had to be against greed, selfishness, indifference of pure commissionaires.

"I did not guard," said the Emperor, "to fall into the fault of men with modern systems; to believe me, by myself and by my ideas, the wisdom of nations. The true wisdom of nations is experience. And see how economists reason: they constantly extol England's prosperity, and constantly show it to us as a model. But it is the one with the heaviest, most absolute customs system, and they constantly protest against customs; they would like to ban them from us. They also outlaw prohibitions; and England is the country that sets an example, prohibitions; and they are, indeed, necessary for certain objects; they cannot be supplemented by the force of rights: smuggling and fantasy would be a failure of parliament's purpose. We still remain in France very backward on these delicate subjects: they are still foreign or confused for the mass of society. However, what not we had done, what a rectitude of ideas had not spread the only gradual classification I had devoted to agriculture, industry and trade! objects so distinct and of such a real and great graduation!

Foreign trade, infinitely below in its results to the other two, has also been constantly subordinated to them in my thinking. This one is made for the other two; The other two are not for him. The interests of these three essential bases are divergent, often conflicting. I have consistently served them in their natural rank, but have never been able or had to satisfy them at once. Time will make known what they all owe me, the national resources I have created for them, the liberation of the English that I had spared. We now have the secret of the 1786 Trade Treaty. France is still shouting at its author; but the English had demanded it or riskstarting the war again. They wanted to do the same to me after the Treaty of Amiens; but I was powerful and a hundred elbows high. I answered that they would be masters of the heights of Montmartre, that I would still refuse to do so; and these words filled Europe.

They will impose one today, unless the public clamor, the whole mass of the nation force them to back down; and this serfdom, indeed, would be yet another infamy in the eyes of this same nation, which is beginning to possess today real light on its interests.

"The licensing system was vicious, no doubt! God forbid I have put it as a principle. It was of the invention of the English; for me, it was just a resource of the moment. The Continental System itself in its scope and rigour was, in my opinion, only a measure of war and circumstance.

The suffering and annihilation of foreign trade, under my reign, were in the force of things, in the accidents of time. A moment of peace would have brought him back to his natural level immediately."

[Senator Thomas Hart Benton
in the Senate,
Thursday, January 16, 1840.]

France has tried both paper and gold, and the study of six years of her history — the study of it from 1799 to 1806 — from the exclusive depreciated paper currency of the Republic to the exclusive specie currency of the Empire — will teach all nations the easy way to reform a ruined currency, and to recover the solid one, which is the only sure basis of public and private — of national and individual, prosperity.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Would you mind reading this, not sure if everything is true in it, but I found it fascinating:

Yes, but Napoleon was staunchly against the English Oligarchy who waged war on France. Napoleon wished to restore a sense of self-sufficiency in France and to free the agrarians from the Octopus that was England and her free trade influence and Banking empire. At this expense, Napoleon resorted to protectionism; Napoleon refused to view the sea, around France to be a territory of Britain.

The London Oligarchy too used their allies during the great war to foment a war against Germany whom was a rising geopolitical economic powerhouse, which like Napoleon, wished to free itself from the tentacles of London's banking interests. That would thusly, include her own currency and moneymen who were the Frankfurt school of bankers. In fact the Civil war was fought because of the Rivalry between Englands banks and the Frankfurt school of banks.

Read this concerning Napolean which I find quite interesting. I think it puts into perspective his actions:

Read his other articles as well concerning international banking and the various money powers.

Posted by Yamaguchy:

Napoleon in 1809 attempted to wrench a planet from the hideous tentacles of this octopus, this British dominion strangling a world”

–J.A. Cramb, Germany and England

“The English oligarchy was determined to crush Napoleon. After deluging Europe in blood and woe, during nearly a quarter of a century, for the accomplishment of this end, it became necessary to prove to the world, and especially to the British people, who were tottering beneath the burden of taxes which these wars engendered, that Napoleon was a tyrant, threatening the liberties of the world, end that he deserved to be crushed. All the Allies who were accomplices in this iniquitous crusade were alike interested in consigning to the world’s execration the name of their victim; and even in France, the reinstated Bourbons, sustained upon the throne by the bayonets of the Allies, silenced every voice which would speak in favor of the monarch of the people, and rewarded with smiles, and opulence, end honor, all who would pour contempt upon his name. Thus we have the unprecedented spectacle of all the monarchies of Europe most deeply interested in calumniating one single man, and that man deprived of the possibility of reply.”

–John S.C. Abbott, The History of Napoleon Bonaparte

Deep unmitigated hatred of democracy was indeed the moving spring of the English Tories’ policy. Napoleon was warred against, not as they pretended because he was a tyrant and usurper, for he was neither; not because his invasion of Spain was unjust, but because he was the enemy of aristocratic privileges.”

–Major-General William Francis Patrick Napier History of the War in the Peninsula

Henry Clay, Tuesday March 30th (11:00–15:30) and 31st, 1824, House of Representatives:

The principle of the system under consideration, has the sanction of some of the best and wisest men, in all ages, in foreign countries as well as in our own –of our Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, at home. But it comes recommended to us by a higher authority than any of these, illustrious as they unquestionably are –by the master spirit of the age– that extraordinary man, who has thrown the Alexanders and the Cæsars infinitely farther behind him than they stood in advance of the most eminent of their predecessors –that singular man, who, whether he was seated on his imperial throne, deciding the fate of nations and allotting kingdoms to the members of his family, with the same composure, if not with the same affection, as that with which a Virginia father divides his plantations among his children, or on the miserable rock of St. Helena, to which he was condemned by the cruelty and the injustice of his unworthy victors, is equally an object of the most intense admiration. He appears to have comprehended, with the rapidity of intuition, the true interests of a state, and to have been able, by the turn of a single expression, to devolope the secret springs of the policy of cabinets. We find that Las Cases reports him to have said:”

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i put that link there for you to see the difference between the jacobites and the jacobins.

robespierre was, ofc, jesuit educated.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Whoops, yes.

Robespierre succeeded to attract the attention of the excluded classes, particularly Protestants in France, Jews,[40] blacks, servants and actors

I don't see anything about Jesuits though in the 2nd link. Jacobins were staunchly against divine rule and monarchy.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


you are confused:

but we are talking about the jacobins:

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the freemasonry was infiltrated by the illuminati.

they hate the catholic church, christianity, god and its creation, but they don't hate the baphomet, lucifer, the egyptian and babylonian mysteries, gnosticism, sufism, the kabbalah or rosicrucianism (and derivatives of these: law of one, the new age movement, theosophy, thelema..).

The revolution was against the monarchy.

when pope clement and king philip of france outlawed the templars, the templars swore revenge and that's why the french revolution was done.

at the time when the bavarian illuminati was created the jesuit order (crypto-templars) was also outlawed by another pope clement. so they had double reasons to hate the catholic church and the papacy. this hate gave birth to the enlightenment and its proponents d'alembert, jacques russeau, voltaire and the rest.

this is why napoleon, the illuminati puppet conquered the papal states, and captured and locked up the pope until he agreed to restore the jesuit order. afaik it was a secret addendum in the treaty of vienna, which was also heavily rothschild (knights of malta templars) influenced.

In 1796, during the French Revolutionary Wars, French troops under Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Rome and took as prisoner Pope Pius VI. He was taken as prisoner to France, where he died in 1799. The following year, after a sede vacante period lasting approximately six months, Chiaramonti was elected to the papacy, taking the name Pius VII.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But THe Jacobites, many of them were Orient revolutionary freemasons. The Bavarian Illuminati hated religion, I understand the Jesuits are a military order to some extent but they are religious. The revolutio nwas against the monarchy.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

napoleon came out of the french revolution which was done by the bavarian illuminati (jesuits)

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting. He was an advocate for progressive and liberal causes and a supporter of Rosevelt who advocated for a World War.

Though, the definition of liberal and progressive has been distorted over the years. Did he have ties to Jesuits? And we know thr current futurist, pro LGBTQ+ Jesuits are wuite different from the Hesuits during the reign of Napoleon.

All I know is Napolean was in staunch opposition to dutch banking interests and internationalists.

Time to research some more but Napoleon had a lot to say about Jesuits.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms - and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses.

--- Napoleon

I don't believe Napolean I was in allegiance with the Jesuits. Jesuitism promotes futurism, humanism and a global government of communitarianism. Napolean principles were that of upholding the liberties of the rural folk and agrarianists and farmers. He was quite at ods with the international bankers and became his own banker.

May I ask, because I'm generally curious, who created the FBI who was in the Bavarian Illuminati? And how was it linked to the Bonaparte bloodline and from there, the Jesuits, and which Jesuits?

The OSS/CIA, yes it was created by a Knight of Malata member.

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


I agree, Ryan is a shill not because he is anti-Semitic but because he pushes the 9/11 hijacker lie, and in doing so bans anyone from his comment sections that might expose this lie or Ryan’s overt shilling for this cover-up. The planes were passenger jet drones, remote guided into beacons, as per Operation Northwoods, the passengers were carefully created mock victims (vicsims), as per Operation Northwoods. The airports were under the control of an Israeli surveillance company. The military airport in which Flight 11 and 175 flew over, Stewart, which was the first airport in America to be privatized in 2000, as advocated by Jewish Zionist billionaire, Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, staunch advocate of Benjamin Netanyahu and the terroristic Likud party, which stemmed from the Irgun and Lehi Zionist terrorist groups, and like Trump, his right-hand man, Zionist and 9/11 concealer Rudolph Giuliani, who threatened the courts and won in withholding the original WTC blueprints of the towers as well as allowing the swift cleanup of the steal to be taken to an Israeli owned dump and then shipped off to China before investigators could test samples.

Stewart airport was privatized by a British transportation corporation owned by various Zionists. Interestingly, minutes after the 9/11 attacks, the BBC interviewed the head of Mossad who blamed the WTC complex event on Iraq, the Palestinians, and Afghanistan, and called for swift US military intervention against global terror.

Operation Northwoods, passed by the Senate, annulled by President Kennedy, reads:


A series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around Guantanamo to give the appearance of being done by hostile forces, ie a False Flag operation.

  • Start rumors (many). Use clandestine radio.
  • Lend to enemy of our enemies
  • Start riots
  • Blow up ammunition inside a Cuban Base; start a fire.
  • Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage).
  • Sabotage ship in harbor; large fires – napthalene.
  • Sink ship near harbor entrance.
  • Conduct funerals for mock-victims (may be lieu of (10)). This is what they did for the mock vicsims for the remote guided drones made to look like passenger jets on 9/11.

  • United States would respond by executing offensive operations.

  • Commence large scale military operations.


”Remember the Maine” incident could be arranged in several forms:

  • We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
  • We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or both.

  • The presence of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating evidence that the ship was taken under attack. The nearness to Havana or Santiago would add credibility especially to those people that might have heard the blast or saw the fire.

  • We could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to “evacuate” remaining members of the non-existent crew.

  • Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation, despite them being fake. [Mock vicsims]

  • We could develop a communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.

  • The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the Untied States.

  • We could sink a boat land of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated).

  • We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized.

  • Exploding plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots [like the various PSYOP terrorist attacks the US such as the Boston Bombing], the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.

  • A “Cuban based, Castro-supported” filibuster could be simulated against a neighboring Caribbean nation.
  • “Cuban” B-26 or C-46 type aircraft could make cane-burning raids at night.
  • Soviet Bloc incendiaries could be found
  • This could be coupled with “Cuban” messages to the Communist underground in the Dominican Republic and “Cuban” shipments of arms which “would” be found, or intercepted, on the beach.
  • Use of MIG type aircraft by pilot could provide additional provocation.
  • Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of military drone aircraft by MIG type planes would be useful as complementary actions.
  • **AN F-86 properly painted would convince air passengers that they saw a Cuban MIG, especially if the pilot of the transport were to announce such fact.
  • Drawback to this suggestion appears to be the security risj inherent in obtaining or modifying an aircraft.
    • However, reasonable copies of MIG could be produced from US resources in about three months.


Hijackings, General

  • Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft should a[[ear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the government of Cuba.
  • Concurrently, genuine defections of Cuban civil and military air and surface craft should be encouraged.
  • It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner enroute from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela.
  • The destruction would be chosen only to cause the flight plan route to cross Cuba [reminds me of the Malaysia flight]
    • The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday or any grouping of persons with a common interest to support chartering a non-Scheduled flight.

^ ^ ^ Odd choice of words:

” on Holiday”


Hijacking, Specifics

(1.) An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary prganization in the Miami area. [This is exactly what they did on 9/11. Triadata and Rabbi Dov Zackheim, who formally worked at Tridata and comptroller at the Pentagon, a staunch Likudnik advocate, among CIA agents used disbanded, reinforced passenger planes, painted as duplicates to be remote guided into beacons. After all, Dov previously had worked at a company which sold disbanded passenger aircraft.]

(2.) At a designated time the duplicate would be substituted for the ACTUAL CIVIL aircraft and would be loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases.

  • The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone.

  • Take off times of the drone aircraft and the actual aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rendezvous south of Florida. From the rendezvous point the passenger-carrying aircraft will descent to minimum altitude and go directly into an auxiliary field at Eglin AFB where arrangements will have been made to evacuate the passengers and return the aircraft to its original status. [This is EXACTLY, what they did on 9/11]

  • Meanwhile, the modified remote-guided aircraft will continue to fly the filed flight plan.

  • When over Cuba the drone will, being transmitted on the international distress frequency a “MAY DAY” message stating he is under attack by Cuban MIG aircraft.

  • The transmission will be interrupted by destruction of the aircraft which will be triggered by radio signal.

    • This will allow ICAO radio stations in the Western hemisphere to tell the US what has happened to the aircraft instead of the US trying to “sell” the incident.

(3.) It is possible to create an incident which will make it appear that Communist Cuban MIGs have destroyed a USAF aircraft over international waters in an unprovoked attacks.

  • Pilot in aircraft would broadcast that he’d been jumped by MIGs and land at a secure base, an Eglin auxiliary.
  • Aircraft would be met by the proper people
  • Quickly stored and given a new tail number.
  • The pilot having performed the mission under an ALIAS, would resume his proper identity and return to his normal place of business.
  • The pilot and aircraft would then have disappeared.
  • At precisely the same time that the aircraft was presumably shot down a submarine or small surface craft would disburse F-101 parts, parachute, etc., at approximately 15 to 20 miles off the Cuban coast and depart. …

  • Search ships and aircraft could be dispatched and parts of aircraft found.

Operation Northwoods was hatched in the 1960’s to commit terrorist acts and use them as pretext for military intervention. Bamford summarizes:

... the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war. (pg. 82).

According to Carol Valentine, the mainstream press gave Bamford’s book, in particular its Operation Northwoods revelations, lots of publicity. For example, published a lengthy review with the author.



Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


It is quite remarkable that the Operation Mockingbird media was willing to depict the US military in such as bad light when it came to Operation Northwoods but was contemporaneous when it came to other military scandals such as Waco, which the media apparatus covered-up.

Carol Valentine continues, in her censored article:

The reviews were well in circulation, but still fresh when 9-11 hit. In retrospect, Northwoods seemed like an eery premonition. I thought the release of the Northwoods revelations were indeed a timely coincidence. Because the Northwoods scenario seemed to fit the facts of 9-11, many writers cited Bamford and Northwoods. I was one of them.

But there is just one problem with Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was not written by Americans. Put in other words, Operation Northwoods documents were not written by the Pentagon. They are counterfeits.

*First, turn to pg. 85 of "Body of Secrets." Bamford says: "Among the most elaborate schemes was to ..." *

And then he quotes a Northwoods document directly:

... create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner en route from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela. The destination would be chosen only to cause the flight plan route to cross Cuba. The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday or any grouping of persons with a common interest to support chartering a non-scheduled flight.

(You can download the Operation Northwoods documentation at the George Washington University's National Archive website.

"The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday ....."

Valentine states that this is a British expression, which, indeed, it is. Americans say "on vacation."

Valentine continues:

Whoever wrote and edited Operation Northwoods used British English. Remember, Pentagon documents pass through a gauntlet of reviewers, each one examining and weighing the significance of the smallest comma, ironing out idiosyncrasies until the document resembles dull, gray, luke warm bath water. The process is called "coordination."

Bamford said on p. 82:

" . .. the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ... " Half a dozen pairs of eyes, including "the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff" would have reviewed the Northwoods documents had they been produced by the Pentagon. There is no way "off on a holiday" would have survived the first iteration had the writers and reviewers been American.

Valentine continues in her article:

Nor is the phrase "grouping of persons" idiomatic American English. No, the documents were not generated by the bureaucrats at the Pentagon. So who wrote Northwoods? [See Endnote.]

What's a James Bamford?

It's hard to believe the author of a book on intelligence matters went past this obviously questionable documentation. His alarm bells should have gone off. Who is James Bamford? Where did he obtain these Top-Secret declassifed documents?

According to the dustjacket, author James Bamford "was until recently Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings."

The dustjacket describes the book as :

"A no-holds-barred examination of the National Security Agency--packed with startling secrets about its past, news-breaking revelations about its present-day activities, and chilling predictions about its future power and reach ... The NSA is the largest, most secretive, and most powerful intelligence agency in the world ... it dwarfs the CIA in budget, manpower, and influence ... "

Valentine continues to detail Bamford in her article in which, as I paraphrase, Bamford’s latest expose on the National Security apparatus was not his first. In 1982, Bamford published his bestseller ‘The Puzzle Palace,’ in which he exposed the inner workings of the NSA in some capacity.

In 'Body of Secrets' he offers shocking new details about the inner workings of the agency, gathered through unique access to thousands of internal documents and interviews with current and former officials. Unveiling extremely sensitive information for the first time ...." etc., etc.

Valentine continues:

If Bamford was truly revealing "shocking" secrets of America's most powerful intelligence agency, do you really believe current and former officials would be talking to him, and that he would be given "unique" access to internal NSA documents? Of course not.

There's even a photo of the NSA building on the back cover. The back dustjacket reads:


Bamford tells us what his job is. He quotes NSA Director Michael Hayden:

"The American people have to trust us [the NSA] and in order to trust us they have to know about us." (Unnumbered and untitled page at beginning of book.)

According to Valentine, that's Bamford's job:

Telling the public exactly what the NSA bosses think the American public should know so the American public trusts the NSA.

According to Valetine, raised the question of how this fascinating Northwoods material came into Bamford's possession:

"Ironically, the documents came to light, says Bamford, in part because of the 1992 Oliver Stone… [Real name: Oliver (Stone) Silverstein: an Ashkanazi Jew], 'JFK,' which examined the possibility of a conspiracy behind the assassination of President Kennedy. This film was produced by Arnon Milchan, a Likudnik, Zionist Jew who helped to steal nuclear triggers in the US for Israel. The film whitewashed any involvement of Mossad/CIA coordination in the assassination of JFK.

"As public interest in the assassination swelled after 'JFK's' release, Congress passed a law designed to increase the publics access to government records related to the assassination.

"The author says a friend on the board [?] tipped him off to the documents.

"Afraid of a congressional investigation, Lemnitzer had ordered all Joint Chiefs documents related to the Bay of Pigs destroyed, says Bamford. But somehow, these remained."

Valentine concludes that these Top Secret documents were mistakingly storied and thusly surfaced into the public domain after Congress released more JFK assassination documents. Concurently, this alleged friend of Bamford tipped him off.

All very lucky for Bamford, but with all this luck playing into his hands, you'd think he'd read them more carefully and notice the writers used British English and not American English. And you'd think his spook buddies at NSA would have noticed. And his publishers at Doubleday.

Accused FBI spy Robert Hanssen. See "My friend, the Spy," published by the New York Times Magazine on March 18, 2001

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

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We learn Bamford, a friend of Hanssen, met him through a mutual friend, a CIA spook:

" ... we all came together aboard my boat, a 60-foot motor yacht on the Potomac River in Washington."

Bamford tells us his boat was docked from a yacht CIA Director, and Zionist Jew, John Deutch used for "quiet meetings."

What was the name of Bamford's yacht? "It's name, perhaps fittingly, was 'Safehouse,' a hiding place for spies," says Bamford.

Valentine continues in her article:

It does not sound as though Bamford, the writer of exposes, had an antagonistic relationship with the spy community, does it? Here we have Bamford's publishers boasting that Bamford is blowing the whistle on all this nasty spying business, while Bamford boasts his boat is a safe place for spies.

Bamford claims to have maintained a friendship with Robert Hanssen for approximately nine years. "He and his wife, Bonnie, even attended my wedding," he says.

Yet when Bamford's "friend" Hanssen is accused of treason by the infamously criminal FBI, Bamford swallows every accusation against Hanssen hook, line, and sinker. Remember, Bamford claims expertise on the world of intelligence, a world where lying, deception, forgery, frame ups, and assassinations are the coin of the realm. Yet he does not question any of the allegations made about his friend of nine years, despite the fact that Hanssen's accusers pulled off every dirty trick in the book to prevent Hanssen from defending himself in open court.

A man in Bamford's business must know that there's at least an even chance Hanssen was the FBI's victim, not a culprit, despite what may have been said about him spying for Russia. He must know how easy it would be to frame a counter-espionage agent. But what does Bamford do when his friend is publicly stoned? He takes part in the stoning.

Bamford paints his "friend" as a crank, a weirdo, and a religious fanatic, calling him "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hanssen. A man who could leave Sunday Mass and load a dead drop with top-secret documents or march in protest at the killing of 'unborn children' while coolly sending American spies to their deaths."

Valentine continues:

Bamford does not tell us why he maintained a nine-year friendship with such a weirdo. Instead, Bamford suggests Hanssen pursued the friendship with Bamford, and that Hanssen had a hidden motive for doing so. If Bamford was simply an honest investigative journalist, what leaks could Bamford have possibly given to Hanssen?

Bamford, an NSA flack dishing favor for the NSA by blowing the whistle on the Pentagon with counterfeit documents. The documents, presented as authentic, certainly put the Pentagon in a terrible light.

Of course we know that elements with the FAA and the US Air Force worked in cooperation with the terrorists. The failure of NORAD to intercept the errant planes on September 11, and the continued cover-up, proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

For an easier read herein, these paragraphs until further stated are from Carol Valentine’s article:

But the Northwoods documents suggest that if 911 was an inside job -- and it had to be -- then the Pentagon was the ARCHITECT. But we know Rumsfeld and the Zionist neocons he represented in the various warhawk think tanks did not represent the entire Pentagon, they advocated just before 9/11 the amalgamation of all agencies, for they believed the Pentagon had various counterintuitive regulators and agencies. The Northwoods expose was ready and waiting for the inevitable 9-11 skeptics to show up, seize upon the plan, and point the finger of suspicion at the Pentagon. However, the Northwoods British-isms show that another hand, not an American hand, was guiding those planes into the WTC towers, and that the Operation Northwoods documents are a misdirector or counter-intelligence.

Northwoods was doubtlessly hatched by a foreign intelligence service and inserted into US national records. The discovery of the Northwoods documents reminds one of the incident in "Wag The Dog" when a newly composed song was inserted into the Library of Congress records to give the impression it had been written decades earlier; then the song, "Old Shoe," was conveniently "discovered" and popularized at the right time. Rent "Wag The Dog" at your local video store and watch it happen.

Let's see now ... What nation is peopled by masters of deception? Who has been using the US military as a cat's paw? Using 9-11 as a pretext, whose enemies is the US annihilating right now? Lemme think ...

Referring to Northwoods, Bamford told ABC:

"The scary thing is none of this stuff comes out until 40 years later." No.

The scary thing is that the tentacles of a malevolent foreign power are deeply embedded in the most secret and powerful agencies in the US -- that this power is pulling the strings, yanking the chains, crashing airplanes into cities, sending America off to war, and gutting our traditional liberties at home. If you continue to read pgs. 85-86 of "Body of Secrets," you will find these words right after the paragraph in which Americans go "off on a holiday":

"Lemnitzer and the Joint Chiefs worked out a complex deception." Then Bamford quotes from the Northwoods documents concerning the fake passengers.

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Interesting plan, isn't it? -- remotely controlled aircraft and phony passengers?

Now, hold it there! This is US military technology. We all surely know that the US and its allies would not conspire to attack America! Or do we?

The Army's School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS ) thinks Israel is capable of doing exactly that. On September 10, 2001, The Washington Times ran a front page story which quoted SAMS officers:

"Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: 'Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.'" ("US troops would enforce peace under Army study," The Washington Times , Sept.. 10, 2001, pg. A1, 9.)

Just 24 hours after this story appeared, the Pentagon was hit and the Arabs were being blamed.

These SAMS officers are obviously interested in protecting their country, but not all Americans are. Some are traitors and pay allegiance to Israel. Recall the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, and American complicity in the attack.

During the Six Day War, the Liberty, an American intelligence gathering ship, was sailing in international waters. Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked it for 75 minutes. Read the story at the USS Liberty Memorial Website, at

When four US fighter jets from a nearby aircraft carrier came to protect the Liberty, President Johnson, through Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, ordered the jets NOT to come to the Liberty's aid. Johnson reported said he did not care who was killed or what happened to the ship, he just didn't want his allies embarrassed. The Israeli attack was allowed to continue. Thirty-four Americans were killed and 171 wounded, thanks to the treason of an American president and defense secretary. Now consider Operation Northwoods: In 1962, US military leaders designed a plan to conduct terrorist acts against Americans and blame Cuba, to create popular sentiment for invasion of that country. Operation Northwoods included:

  • Plans to shoot down a CIA plane designed to replicate a passenger flight and announce that Cuban forces shot it down.

  • Creation of military casualties by blowing up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blaming Cuba: "....casualty lists in the US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation," and

  • Development of a terror campaign in the Miami and Washington, DC.

Recall, it was the Army that warned of the possibility that Israel's Mossad might make a terror attack against the US. The masterminds of Operation 911 were prepared to sacrifice the rank and file, but carefully avoided touching a hair on the head of the brass. And also recall, the censored video of Zionist Jewish Neocon Paul Wolfowitz, later president of the World Bank, at the Naval War College, stating that the army must be prepared for an event in the coming months. He continues to talk about terrorism and fighting a global war on terror. A student at the Naval War College, secretly filmed this presentation. It was clear during this presentation that Wolfowitz knew something that others did not.

All of this reminds one of Operation Northwoods, doesn't it? Remember the rank and file sailors who were to be sacrificed on a US Naval vessel in Guantanamo Bay, in order to justify war with Cuba? No, neither Hanjour nor any other Muslim suicide pilot was at the controls of this plane. It had been fitted with Global Hawk technology and was being remotely controlled.

By now you've realized that it's OK to believe in conspiracies provided they are Muslim conspiracies. In fact, we MUST believe that a man who dresses in sheets lives in a tent or a cave in the middle of nowhere - Osama bin Laden -- was the mastermind. He used his $300 million fortune to pull off Operation 911. Come to think of it, how do we know the size of his fortune? Does the FBI know his banker? And given that the world's banking system is highly centralized and in the hands of Mr. bin Laden's avowed enemies, how could our terrorist tent-dweller have retained his fortune all these years? If Mr. bin Laden could have pulled this off in New York, why didn't he pick on his more direct enemy, Israel, and do a 911 on them?

Brilliant as Mr. bin Laden is, he forgot to take credit for the attack. Even worse, he forgot to issue any demands. He allowed his operatives to use their Muslim names and leave a clear trail for the FBI to follow. Mr. Atta, the pilot of Flight 11 (north World Trade Center), was particularly helpful. He kindly left his car at the Boston Airport. Luckily, an unnamed source drew the FBI's attention to this car. According to radio reports, the FBI found a suicide note written in Arabic and a copy of the Koran in the car. Mr. Atta liked to write in Arabic; he wrote a second, long document in that language, which, for some reason, he put in his luggage. Coincidentally, this luggage did not make it to Flight 11, so the FBI found it at the airport. Another lucky break! But why Mr. Atta would take luggage on a suicide mission has not been explained. The same note was carried by one of the hijackers on Flight 93, and, Mother of Miracles! survived the crash, even though the airplane itself was torn into shards. Everything was so amazing that Bob Woodward, the man who talks to the dead, was called in to write a story about it all. See "In Hijacker's Bags. A Call to Planning, Prayer, and Death," The Washington Post, September 28, 2001. Formerly at: 2001Sep27.html

The re-dated article now can be found at:

Read Mr. Woodward's article. Mr. Atta sounds like a Jewish lawyer with his wires crossed, exhorting his co-conspirators to remember their wills and reminding them that Mohammed was an "optimist;" exhorting his fellows to "utilize" (ugh--there's a lawyer's word for you -- what's Arabic for "utilize"?) their few hours left to ask God's forgiveness. God's forgiveness for what? They were about to die Muslim heros, Muslim martyrs in Allah's holy cause ... what need would Allah have to forgive them?

Sure, we believe every word. We swallow the whole story.

End: Valentines article

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Now as for Ryan Dawson, It would seem he would want to expose this very obvious aspect, but he chooses to attack it and use ad hominems and fallacies, which shows he's a gatekeeper by some extent. Anti-Semitism, is an all too often used trigger word utilized by Zionists for censorship. Again, the Cannarymission is a Zionist site that has ruined the lives of hundreds for simply standing up against Jewish supremacy, Zionism and speaking up for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

It is also important to remember that many Gentiles — particularly "Judeo-Christian" Gentiles — support the Jewish Supremacy movement. These folk willingly betray America and its laws and traditions to advance the Nation of Israel and its laws and traditions.

And you claim these Torah Jews are agaisnt Zionism, but this isn’t always the case. Rabbi Dov Zakheim,, aforementioned, a key figure in the plannign and cover-up of 9/11, mocks everything America has stood for by mentioning "the freedom of the country" at the Schneerson birthday party/wake.

Schneerson did everything in his power to destroy Bill of Rights traditions in our country, and Zakheim violates his oath of office by endorsing Schneerson. According to "15 Minutes:"

Calling America 'the greatest country in the world,' Zakheim delivered a dvar Torah (sermon), expounding on the halachic (Jewish law) requirements of a poor man bringing a meal offering in the Temple.

But then Zakheim, presently claims Trump is for the Americna people and that he would never attack Iran, and deplores anyone who would so chosoe to attack Iran, he even publically deplored Jonathan Pollard's treason.

Zackheim opposed the US production of Israel's Lavi jet fighter planes. Zakheim said the production of these planes for Israel would cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars.

Valetine an another one of her articles states:

Rabbi Zakheim sounds like the guardian of the public purse and quite a patriot, doesn't he? On the other hand, Zakheim lauds Schneerson, and says that to "tie the freedom of the country to the memory of the rebbe is a marvelous thing." Rabbi Zakheim is familiar with the Reeb's work. He knows about the Naughahyde laws. He knows about Schneeron's life-long dedication to destroy the Bill of Rights, to create a Talmudist theocracy where Christians and others can be put to death for following a non-Naugahyde religion . . . ie believing in Jesus Christ.

I suspect Rabbi Zakheim is not a guardian of the public purse. I suspect Rabbi Zakheim is not a patriot at all -- at least not an American patriot. DoD Comptroller Zakheim stands with his hand in the Pentagon's till. What a wonderful ruse. Perhaps Rabbi Zakheim poses as a "good Jew" publicly, but behind our backs he is robbing us blind and siphoning US tax dollars to the Lubavitchers and Israel. Given his endorsement of Schneerson, given Schneerson's exhortation for Jewish world domination, why wouldn't Rabbi Zakheim do exactly that? You think he'd be worried about Donald Rumsfeld looking over his shoulder? Funny name, that one.

Now here's what Rabbi Levi Shemtov while at the March 11, 2002 Birthday kickoff-Pentagon wake:

"It was not the rebbe's[Schneerson's] goal to be Maschiach," the messiah, "but it was his goal to bring Maschiach by making the world a better place."

"A gentile . . . is liable for the death penalty . . . if he has invented a religious holiday for himself . . . The general principle is we do not allow them to make new religious rituals and to make 'mitzvahs' ["commandment;" sometimes "good deed or blessing"] for themselves by their own devices . . . if he does make some new 'mitzvah,' we lash him, punish him, and inform him that he is obligated [sic] with the death penalty for this." (Rambam Mishne Torah--Hilchose Melachim 10:9)

So Christians or non-Christian Gentiles, according to the "Rambam Mishne Torah" should be lashed, punished, and put to death if they insist on following their own religious practices, including celebration of non-Jewish religious holidays, such as Christmas.

What is the Rambam Mischne Torah? The Rambam is none other than Maimonides, the well-known Sephardic Jewish writer who lived in Spain between 1135 and 1204 AD, one of the great fathers of Judaic thought; the Mishne Torah is one of his best known works. See the "Sephardic Sages" webpage,

So here we have more of the same: The two-tier society, Jews on the top tier, Gentiles on the bottom.

These Seven Commandments (mitzvos) [the seven Naugahyde laws] are not arbitrary laws, but rather G-d's plan for Mankind . . . (The Seven Universal Laws of Noah have only been replaced for the Jewish people, to whom G-D gave the entire Torah [teaching] as their Law. They therefore have a special responsibility--with special commandments--to be the priesthood of the world, a 'light unto nations.')

(Notice that "Torah" in this context means the entire body of Jewish teachings.)

November 10, 2001 — The Washington Times, owned by Jewish Zionist interests had faked two photos in its coverage of the War On Islam. One actor was used twice: first cast as an enemy of America, then nine days later, as a friend of America. This sham illustrates the contrived nature of the War on Islam. It indicates that those who run the press in America are those who designed this war.

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


November 10, 2001 — The Washington Times, owned by Jewish Zionist interests had faked two photos in its coverage of the War On Islam. One actor was used twice: first cast as an enemy of America, then nine days later, as a friend of America. This sham illustrates the contrived nature of the War on Islam. It indicates that those who run the press in America are those who designed this war.

"Face of hate: A Muslim man looks up at the stage as he prays at an anti-America rally in Peshawar, Pakistan."  (left) 

Here is a close up of the hater:  (left) 

The credit under the photo reads: "Photo by Gerald Herbert/The Washington Times."

Washington Times, Page 1A, October 20, 2001

Caption reads:

"Face of hate: A Muslim man looks up at the stage as he prays at an anti-America rally in Peshawar, Pakastan."

Washington Times, Page 1A, October 29, 2001

Caption reads:

"Friends and relatives of Afghan military opposition commander Abdul Haq prayed at a gathering at his home in Peshawar, Pakistan, yesterday. The legendary mujahideen leader was captured and executed by the Taliban in southern Afghanistan Friday while he was on a mission seeking defectors."

The Neocons aided in writing this article and as Trotskyite Zionists they felt it necessary to dupe Christians into supporting the war cause. Strauss, a Neocon also viewed it necessary to use noble lies and myths to rile support for a Christian cause that radicals, like Zionists could hijack.

Ryan Dawson [Ryan Patrick Dawson] has spread anti-Semitism and promoted anti-Semitic, as well as anti-Israel conspiracy theories. He also promoted Holocaust revisionism, defended Neo-Nazi Patrick Little, spread hatred of Zionists and equated Israel with Nazi Germany.

Patrick Little is a shill, there is no doubting that. His behavior is quite evident as a discrediting operation. Everything else: Anti-Israel conspiracy theories and revisionism is entirely fine as long as it is backed up with evidence which for the most part it is. Only in Europe and only the so-called Holocaust (burnt offering) can you be jailed for years and fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for simply questioning aspects of the so-called Holocaust. It doesn't mean you are denying that National Socialism expelled Jews during the late 1930's, advocated mass emigration to Israel and confined hundreds of thousands without due process of law, executing tens of thousands, millions dying from Typhus and tens of thousands from allied saturation bombing. The point is, no revisionist denies that Jews were persecuted, they question the 6 million figure and the question of gas chambers as Soviet fabrications utilized as atrocity propaganda. Just like Israeli did during Desert Storm. Blaming Saddam for erecting masses of has chambers, German built. Of course, this was a total fabrication but it worked to rile up support for the war cause.

Dawson has demonized Israel, was a speaker at a March 2017 rally, organized by Al-Awda, opposing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.

That's all fine with me, he has a right to speak out against criminal activity, and he has a right to boycott, something Zionists want to take out of our constitution.

As of July 2019, Dawson’s Twitter bio said: “Truth is anti-Semitic."

The problem with that saying is truth can be anti-Semitic for some people. For equating criticism or exposing the aggression of Zionism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians with anti-Semitisim is quite telling. Most Jews, in fact, are not Semitic, and to be anti-Semitic would mean you are also against Muslims and Palestinians who are also semitic. If anything the Islamaphobia engendered and encouraged by the neocons and Zionists is in fact anti-Semitic.

On July 17, 2019, Dawson tweeted:

“If your identity is still with another nation it doesn't matter where you live. Look at all the Jewish Americans in the US for generations with an undying loyalty to Israel even against US interests."

I agree somewhat, though identity should not always be equated with loyalty. Though most Jews do support the Zionist cause, there are nevertheless people from Jewish families who are against the aggressive tendencies of Zionism and the Likudniks. But still, why allow dual-Israelis to sit in congress?

Judaism is a religion, Jews are a culture, not a race. Interestingly, it was Zionists who helped to create the Jews as a race narrative, and then Hitler and others put it into law. Hitler, as I believe I proven to you elsewhere, wrote in Mein Kampf 'Stalag edition' the only authorized version of his book by the National Socialists that 'Zionism' was a great Jewish ideology. His anti-Semitism should be equated to Zionism, only because he wished to emigrate Jews eastward, to Palestine, where they could then settle. And no no proof exists that Stempfle wrote Mein Kampf, nor was he a Jesuit, nor even religious at that particular time, but he was an editor and possibly ed to tidy up Hitler’s book. In fact, if one goes back and reads writings of Stempfle and other publications he edited, it is clear that Mein Kampf was the work of Hitler, who could not seem to stay on one topic and often ranted.

Read the book -- The 13th Tribe to get a better understanding of the Pale of Settlement Jews, or Ashkanazis Khazars. The author himself was an Ashkanazi. I find the scribes rhetoric quite revelaing in the 19th cenury, which illustrates, despite the Talmud and Torah's obvious racism, they were quite against Zionism and the narrative that Jews were a race. If Jesus was a Jew, and the apostles were Jews, certainly the atheistic Jewish neocons and billionaire Jews are not Jews. It is IMPOSSIBLE to trace your lineage to the 12 tribes of Israel, and yet these so-called atheistic Jews, could care less. That is why Jesus and the bible made it clear in Jeremiah 11:9 that there is a conspiracy in Jerusalem. Jesus, the real Jew exposed the apostates and hypocrites and the hillel sect we see today which had put a pro-clause into law allowing them to use usury as a form of control, just like the Catholic church does now. They all fall to their waysides and practice destructive practices that in their origins, preached against.

It should be noted, that many of these warmongering criminals running around calling themselves Jews are no such thing. They're Ashkenazi, who originated from the Caucasus mountains, and lived in the vicinity of the Khazaks (aka Cossacks) of Russian and Khazakstan. In addition, they follow the extremely heretical culture of Judea and its Talmud, which excuses many forms of reprehensible behavior that serves supremacist ideologies.

In contrast, the true descendants of Israel, who refer to themselves as Hebrews and Kaolians, do NOT study, endorse, or otherwise subscribe to the writings found in the Talmud, are truly honorable and Godly people.

"Jews" = Ashkenazi =/= descendants from ancient Israelites

Kaolians = Hebrews == descendants from ancient Israelites

Ashkenazi Jews therefor, are not Jews except in name only.

An argument might be made that Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry comes from the Israelites such as in Chapter 10 of the book “The Jews of Khazaria”, Second Edition, published by Rowman and Littlefield in 2006.

However, we can certainly challenge the logic.

”the main ethnic element of … most modern Jewish populations of the world is Israelite,” but supports this with “the Israelite haplotypes fall into Y-DNA haplogroups J and E.”

However, earlier the book stated that “the Y-DNA haplogroups J and E … are typical of the Middle East” but not limited to Israel.

So the logic seems to be: * All jews are (haplogroups J and E)

  • All (haplogroups J and E) are middle eastern; the latter including “Kurdish, Armenian, Palestinian Arab, Lebanese, Syrian, and Anatolian Turkish peoples”

From this we could conclude the family heritage with middle eastern peoples, not Israel simply. And if Turks are lumped in with that group, as the book does, there is no contradiction in the assertion that they are not the true Israelites. Indeed, coming full circle in that way shows the absurdity of the “rebuttal.”

The “middle east” is taken to include Armenians, Arabs, and Turks, and this itself shows the difficulty of these studies using samples after the mixing has occurred. Unless they can get enough DNA from the ancients, there is a great deal of assumption that must be mixed in. This is similar to the claim a while ago that some Negroes were descended from Thomas Jefferson. You can go up the chain, with 1/2 admixing at every step, then you have to go back down the chain, with 1/2 mixing at every step. And the DNA at each of the “1/2 admixing” steps, if it were available at all, is also the result of such a series of 1/2 admixtures.

Later, the author identifies Khazars as Europeans, which is absurd.

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


On April 17, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “Xtianity [Christianity] is in direct opposition to Judaism as it opens faith up to all through the savior. It's INCLUSIVE. Teaches forgiveness and truthfulness. Judaism is EXCLUSIVE based bloodlines and teaches revenge and deception. They are polar opposites. Stop saying judeo-christian values."

I can understand his anger.

On April 7, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “Jews are a demographic threat to an arabic state, they can go back to Poland."

Don’t agree with that, for many Jews lived peacefully with Arabs.

On January 30, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “You know Iran contra was very much a bunch of American Jews. Neocons and 911 same both Iraq wars same, Syria same Iran sanctions same hmm sensing a pattern here."

I agree with that, and CIA agents as well. Elliot Abrams a Jew was part of the Iran-Contra scandal, he was then pardoned and no works for Trump.

On January 24, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “I wish we did have Russian nationalist in our government. Unfortunately all we got are israel firsters in both gov and media." That’s a little odd, why say Russian nationalist. An Israeli nationalist in the Whitehorse is just as bad, but a Russian Nationalist? That’s a bizarre statement to make. How about an American patriot?

On November 25, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Christianity is a service religion for the Jews."

I don’t agree with that, though we are servants to all people and love even our enemies. That doesn’t mean Christians are barred from speaking truth and exposing treachery and the principalities of darkness. I love all people including shills and those who love money more than righteousness living. I pray that they seek Christ.

On October 27, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Most of America is white. % wise most mass shooters are Jewish."

He keeps pushing this shooting narrative. I know, and I think others, that most highly publicized mass shootings are PSYOPS. Unfortunately, Dawson will not touch PSYOPS.

On May 18, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Jewish success is because of nepotism and people already in power converting to Judaism so they could continue the practice of usury. Being a parasite requires a host."

A person who says he is Jewish can become successful as court Jews did because of nepotism, yes, but do not equate that with all Jews. Just as a Catholic, who says he follows Jesus becomes successful through lies and the love of money. It doesn’t mean we must equate all Catholics and Christians with this behavior.

On May 14, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Judaism has always been f**ked up. It divided the world into us and them. What made both religions reform was neighbors with superior technology and militaries."

I can understand his anger, some teachings in Judaism are quite backwards and racist.

On May 10, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Judaism pathologically breeds psychopaths." I don’t agree.

On May 9, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “It is not ‘The Jews’ being a supremacist a** hole isn’t genetic it’s cultural. Judaism is a backwards religion that fosters backwards hateful people. But their is no Jewish race only a self proclaimed clique defined by identity and holocaustianity."

He goes overboard with his tweets and it would help if he explained himself in a more clam manner without all the fallacies. Why, Ryan, do you think Jews are supremacists? Why do you think it is backwards or a practice stuck in the past, I certainly could give some examples.

On May 29, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “‘The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States.’ -Osama bin Laden."

I agree, but not Diaspora Jews, nor all Jews. But yes, there is a large proportion of Zionists who are in government as well as dual-Israelis but so to are their WASPS and gentiles, who sometimes go against Israeli interests, but they are usually kicked out of congress, if not, a counter-intelligence operation. For you must make the pledge to Israel, if you ever want to make it far as a politician.

That same day, Dawson also tweeted: “There exists a government within a government within the United States. The US should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself...That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks."

I agree wholeheartedly.

On October 27, 2018, following the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, Dawson posted a video on Youtube for the ANC Report, titled: “Synagogue murders, Chosen Ones Lives Matter."

An entirely fake PSYOP shooting, and a badly orchestrated one at that with criss actors laughing on ABC news, the day their alleged relatives were killed. An Active shooter drill by DHS was also held in the current vicinity a week before, just like the one in San Diego, another fake shooting with actors with aliases.

Dawson said [00:00:34]: “this will be reported all over the news everywhere all day long. Unlike the over 200 Palestinians, many of them children, who have been murdered by Israeli snipers since March. And these aren’t some crazy person or lunatics, this is state ordained mass murder. They shoot kids in the face and the media doesn’t report it." I agree.

March participants sent scores of kites bearing explosive devices across Israel’s border to burn Israeli crops and homes. Participants also attempted to breach the border fence, which caused the Israeli Defense Forces to respond with live fire.

Didn’t have to use the word kike, he only discredits himself.

Dawson went on to say [00:01:28]: “Jewish lives matter. Palestinian lives don’t matter, your own children don’t matter. You will see endless press on every three letter network about this synagogue shooting. You will not see one story about one shooting of Palestinians by the self proclaimed Chosen race of God…"

Well, Dawson, why won’t you touch PSYOPs or the fakery of many of these events, including the 9/11 hijacking PSYOP? Seems quite bizarre that you choose to ignore this vital truth.

On October 27, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “...the total blackout in mas media one one type of killing done over two hundred times, and another type of killing which we all know will be on every network. This kind of censorship voicelessness and de-platforming is exactly WHY some nut lost it and shot some jews."

Promotes the PSYOP shooting, like Adam Green does. The synagogue shooting was a drill and it was solely used to create the incentive to censor social media sites. Gabb(ai), owned by a Zionist, had a user, do the deeds of the synagogue, ie help in the faking of a drill as pretext to pass policies, PSYOPs which are now legal under the NDAA. After all Gabbai stands for doing the deeds of the synagogue.

Dawson added: “They were in the middle of a genital mutilation ritual when the shooter arrived."

Again, clear as day, with any amount of research into the narrative, laughing family members, who took to themselves that they would conduct multiple interviews before grieving and police reports and DHS drills taken place, that it was clearly a drill – a PSYOP. I think Dawson knows this too.

On September 2, 2017, Dawson tweeted: “Charlottesville attacker is Jewish. Had he ran over someone in Israel they'd give him a metal. ."

Another PSYOP. Most of the White Supremacists were Jewish Bolshevik Zionists. Or the Alt-right people. Lovers of Duginism and chaos magic.

That same day, Dawson tweeted: “Which war did lame stream media not support? It's an arm of the state. And by state I mean Israel."

Partly true.

On March 23, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “Trump is a zio-b**ch controlled by Israel."

No doubting that. I would say, the Israeli government and Zionist funders.

On March 23, 2019, Dawson also tweeted: “...It is ISRAEL not RUSSIA who controls US elections and puppets [U.S. President] Donald Trump."

I agree, but Russia is on good terms with Mossad and Israel too.

On July 12, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Imagine if the press spoke of the actual Israeli collusion, spying, election meddling, and influence as much as they do about fictional Russian influence. It’s almost like Jewish power has an ax to grind with Putin…"

See this is where he fails to reason that the Necons, mostly Jewish Zionists have various foreign policy directives. Some are neoliberals and globalists, in that sense, they have decided to welcome multilateralism if it means Israel will benefit from the Belt Road Initiative with Russia and China, and others still yet, despise this association, partly because of anti-Stalinit beliefs during the Cold war and the ousting of the former Bolsheviks under Lennin and Trotsky. They remote a form of Americanism, only if it benefits Israel but attack any support for Multilateralism. For example German Jewish Neocon, Joffe, advocated multilateralism on the part that Germany would benefit from its association but also Israel. He then goes onto conclude that this would allow the fall of a unipolar world, and thus the destruction of America.

On June 6, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “911 was a jointly conducted covert operation by the US an Israel which used proxy forces as useful idiots at the bottom, the same as they did in Iran Contra and Syria."

I agree.

On February 7, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “There was a Holocaust. What I can't stand is when good people knock down exaggerations like soap and lampshades, gas disguised as showers, human hair mattresses, and people (not corpses) thrown into ovens, they will be labeled deniers."

I agree with much of what Dawson states and his support for BDS and his expose of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

By the way I agree communists are the enemy of America, but I also think the (Inter)Nationalism of Zionism, the push for a theocracy by Hasidic Jews is just as troubling.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just because I exposed him, makes plenty of sense, if you use cognitive dissonace to determine your viewpoints.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You claiming the Lobby is CNN crap is so deluded, it makes it obvious you are a shill for the Zionist cause.

CNN would never broadcast the Lobby. Al Jazeera did broadcast it but it was banned shortly after by the Qatari government anyway. It's only up on YouTube at this point and even then it gets taken down regularly.

The makers of the expose documentary could not find any need agency in the west to broadcast the documentary because the media is owned by Zionists.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It was endorsed by them, not made by them. The Lobby was made by freelance independent journalists and features some of the best undercover reporting in the 21st century. It exposes the absolute treachery and foothold the Zionist Jewish Lobby has on America and its politicians, it exposes the pledge they must give to the lobby in order to stand a chance as a congressman or women. Cynthia McKinney (could be a gatekeeper; who knows) who I've spoken to before, she now works as a teacher in Bangladesh, was one of the only persons in congress to speak out against the perpetrators of the Iraq war, stand up against AIPAC, and expose the various Jewish lobbies who still threaten the US with nuclear capabilities to handover billions in taxpayer monies as welfare for Israel. Whilst the Israeli government bulldozes Palestinian homes and disregards the UN and international law. Percisely why Zionists and Trotskyite communist Neocons have stated with assuredly that the UN will be transformed, reformed to how they envisin the world. For the UN played a big part in handing over Palestine to the Zionistic agenda. That is NOT pro-American, that's the infiltration of another country by Zionists, mostly Jews. You cannot be a dual-citizen politician in Israel, nor China, so why is it legal in America?

Call me a shill one more time liar. I'm not, it clearly obvious you are very pro-Israel or pro-Jewish for some cause, Jesus was a Jew, and the Jews in Israel now, 2/3rds who believe they are the chosen people and 60%+ who advocate for the Zionist, Likudnik cause are apostates. Advocating for the shit site "cannarymission" which has caused the end of activists careers and somtimes livelihood for simply standing up and speaking out against Jewish supremacism, Zionsit aggression and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians illustrates who you side with.

Omar, I believe might be a controlled opposition, one of the only muslim persons in congress her job was to rile up support for the Zionist cause. However, she did mentiom WTC7 and probably knows the people behind 9/11.

The Lobby was a great film, and you attacking it, whilst it is censored in the US and nearly all western countries illustrates your bias towards Israel. A country that had attacked the USS Liberty and killed thousands of American citizens with help from the CIA and dual-Israeli neocons and Zionists in our government.

In every aspect of that coverup, managerial, planning, media, and cover-up as well as litigation a Zionist, the majority dual-Israeli sat in the highest seat of power to prevent an investigation.

That's unamerican.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

phelps might get off the list actually. thanks to you mostly.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The Lobby

is that made by al jazeera, from qatar? ilhan omar, a commie is spying for them. they are the enemies of america. good knowing you are siding with the enemy. that makes you a traitor.

also al jazeera is the cnn of the arab world. only a shill like you would propagate cnn crap like that.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

go ahead and submit a well researched article on pjw to s/conspiracy then ping me..

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

focus on his tweets and his antisemitism. but of course you would never do that, would you now?

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

fbi created by the illuminati bonaparte bloodline -> jesuits

oss/cia created by knight of malta donovan -> jesuits

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How about Trump and paul joseph watson is 100% a gatekeeper. He shills the te offical arab did 9/11 lie, and never mentions Zionism, or attacks anyone who does.

Robert David Steele by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Satanists and Pedos?? Any evidence to back that up. He's against Israel, I know that but he was an agent afterall, and retired agents never really retire.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Also, chaos magic and discordianism in duginsm.

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Templat front? Probably just an FBI, CIA limoted hangout.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm starting to think you're a Zionist of some sort Useless_Aether, the site Cannarymission was exposed in the film 'The Lobby' which exposed AIPAC and the Israeli lobby. The site has caused much trouble for those who advocate the rights of Palestinians. And you support it, very odd, but not really if you're biases are towards rewarding Israel.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's a difference from being an anti-Semite and exposin Jewish supremacism. There are a lot of shills who cover up Zionism and Jewish supremacism too.

I see you added Phelps to the list.

Adam Green is another possible shills, and Christopher Jon Bjerknes.

The list by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And yet you promote the canary mission site, hmmmmmm. A site that has targeted people who are against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This website is literally a supremacist site for Zionists.

Ryan Dawson by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Discordianism: Weishaupt and Bauer's 25 Point Plan

the rothschilds used to be called bauers

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]magnora7 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think anonymous was a legit thing briefly, but once it started getting popular it was immediately hijacked by intelligence groups. They always try to hoist us on our own petard. Anytime some movement gets popular, they try to make that movement look crazy. They've successfully destroyed the whole anonymous thing, I'd say the real part of it lasted maybe a year, everything after that is largely disinformation

Anonymous by useless_aether in fof

[–]thefadd 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They always struck me as a precursor to these Discordian #MeToo “do-gooders.”

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, it isn't that you cannot learn from controlled oppositions and gatekeepers, you can, but one must be diligent in their awareness in that a gatekeepers goal is either to dissuade, surveil a community, discredit, gatekeep, lead astray, or ignore the more potent truths.

I always come back to people like Adam Green -- not a linguist in any stretch or form of the imagination -- but who, nevertheless, exposes truths concerning Zionism and Jewish supremeacy. Something Chomsky has gatekeeped.

But even Adam, who is cousins with the Manning brothers; who at one time worked for Viacom, which headquarters is in Tel Aviv, and who has 100,000 YouTube followers despite his obvious breaking of YouTube's terms of services is able to speak out against Zionism whilst people like I and anonymous users who have less than 1000 subs are deleted almost immediately, sometimes their videos banned during the upload process, as mine were concerning an expose on Neoconservatives and 9/11. This illustrates that most of the truth community is inauthentic and likely controlled. And I've noticed a deliberate disregard for noble lies and PSYOPS when it comes to these alleged controlled oppositions.

I only mention Adam, because he uses the train of multi-channel support to garner profits. And when he invites on shills like Christopher Jon Bjerknes to agree with him that Hitler was a Bolshevik and ban anyone who debunks this nonsense, it becomes even more clear that he has an agenda, albeit a subtle one.

It isn't just Chomsky, but they are gatekeeping the lower levels as well. Those who do it, do it merely for the spinach. Those who create disorder and attack other controlled oppositions to further divide.

I've come to realize that it's best to research on your own time and to take no mans statements as truth because those statements might match your biases. The elites know that so they gaive you what you want in a controlled manner which works to their benefit.

I always say, read censored and old historical books to get a better understanding of the world. Also, get out there and meet new people, see for yourself that is isn't as crazy as the mockingbird media would have you think it is.

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Read Petras's 15 point thesis on Chomsky as a limited hangout and gatekeeper. I believe it is written in one of his books and published freely online. It proves that he's, if anything else, controlled. His attack on the JFK conspiracy narrative and Mossads involvement in both this event and 9/11 is enough for me to warrant suspicion.

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Good research useless_aether.

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]magnora7 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

we can't just jump around with our worldview - then we wouldn't be able to trace our steps back when we get lost.

That's very well said, I'd not thought of it quite that way before but you're definitely right.

and he MUST say some good stuff otherwise nobody would listen to him. raising eyebrows is the secret to all these 'opinion formers'.

Of course. All good propaganda is 9 truths for ever 1 lie. But still, it doesn't mean I can't learn from the 9 truths. No one knows the complete truth anyway, so we can't ever hang our hat on one person or ideology and just walk away and call it a day. Lots of people try to do this in general, and it doesn't really seem to work very well. All the most-respected people in human history formed their own ideologies, they didn't just use a cookie-cutter ideology that was handed to them, as so many people try to do.

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

austere scholar? :-)

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i understand. it was the same with me. it's always a gradual process as we piece together our bigger picture of the world. we can't just jump around with our worldview - then we wouldn't be able to trace our steps back when we get lost.

and he MUST say some good stuff otherwise nobody would listen to him. raising eyebrows is the secret to all these 'opinion formers'.

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]magnora7 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I still think Chomsky says a lot of intelligent things, but I am coming around to the idea that these books are perhaps as much user manuals for the elite as much as they they are for exposing the problems to the public with the intent of helping improve the problems.

And I totally agree with you that he's a gatekeeper about basically anything past 1985 or so.

But I still think sometimes he says smart things that are very true, that no one else is saying. So I'm like 60/40 on Chomsky, and I care more for select quotations of his, than for him as a person, or for his basket of ideologies. If that makes sense

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]hennaojisan 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not many scholars can make career changes like Chomsky. He started out in linguistics, inventing something called Transformational Grammar. Then, later on, he switched to whatever he likes to be called now.

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]useless_aether[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

phew, thanks! i was a bit worried about chomsky and you :-)

The Annenbergs by useless_aether in fof

[–]magnora7 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I respect the research, pretty solid. Nice read. Thanks, definitely food for thought.

Jordan Maxwell admits he is jewish by [deleted] in fof

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Maxwell was an easy controleld opposition to spot. Though, it would seem he was disclosing great truths about the secrets of law and the mystery religions but in reality he was only used to waste people's time.