Lead weights and lie detectors: The scandal that rocked a Cleveland fishing tournament and became worldwide news. He reached his finger in and withdrew a chunk of lead with a dramatic flourish. “We’ve got weights in fish!” he shouted. And then all hell broke loose.(sports.yahoo.com)
Faroe Islands Dolphin Hunt(soapboxie.com)
Large collection of fishing knots and rigs(angelknotenpage.de)
"Fisherman With a Giant Bass Fish" (1911) by WH Martin(ia801001.us.archive.org)
Fishing with a Topwater for Massive Redfish(youtu.be)
Search Alaska lingcod fishing in Alaska- Alaska Halibut Fishing Charter(alaskahalibutfishingcharter.com)
Secret to Surf Fishing the Coast for Huge Jack Crevalle in 4k(youtu.be)
I bet you didn't know that Texas has pigs.(imgur.com)
Catching a redfish like this would be amazing!(youtu.be)
So I created s/fishing. I have absolutely no moderator experience.(self)
Only bite of the day, but he hit it like a truck.(imgur.com)