Ocean Clean-Up Removes 103 Tons of Trash from the Pacific(soundingsonline.com)

Mexico Decrees Ban on GMO Corn and Monsanto's Glyphosate Weed Killer(themindunleashed.com)
If your chosen sources of news aren't telling you about major international protests against farming restrictions that will put farmers out of work and reduce food output for everyone, change the channel.(zerohedge.com)

Professor fired after publishing study showing the polar bear population did not collapse.(wattsupwiththat.com)

Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"(zerohedge.com)
On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The Amazon is *not* “the lungs of the world”.(quillette.com)
Germany Shuts Down Three Perfectly Good Nuclear Power Plants(reason.com)
LIthium mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment and about as far from “green” as you can imagine(wattsupwiththat.com)

Brain-damaging lead found in tap water from most Illinois communities during the past 6 years: More than 8 of every 10 Illinoisans live in a community where brain-damaging lead was found in the tap water of at least one home during the past six years, a new Chicago Tribune analysis found.(chicagotribune.com)

Germany begins dismantling wind farm to expand a coal mine(euobserver.com)

Flashback to 2020 when Glacier National Park removed the signs that said the glaciers would be gone by 2020 due to global warming LOL(cnn.com)

Nebraska’s drinking water is causing Cancer and could be the cause of a future major health crisis for that state.(i.redd.it)
Just eat the cow | Lab grown meat produces up to 25 times more CO2 emissions than the beef it's supposed to replace(futurism.com)
A Shocking Amount of US "Recycling" Goes Straight to the Landfill(futurism.com)

In defiance of ongoing attempts to report it as dying, dying, oh woe, it is dying . . . parts of the Great Barrier Reef have the most coral now they've had for nearly 40 years(cnbc.com)

MSM Finally Admits Legal Hemp is the Answer to Dependency on Big Oil(thefreethoughtproject.com)
Paper straws contain toxic ‘forever chemicals’ — could be worse than plastic: study(nypost.com)
China has more CO2 emissions than every developed nation combined ( Where's Greta & John Kerry?) China is also one of the top Ocean polluters & #1 on the list may surprise you (Greta?)(twitter.com)

UK is trying to bribe farmers to stop farming. For the environment. No word on where the food will come from when farmland is converted to forests.(gov.uk)

'Shameful': UK Approves 'Emergency' Use of Banned Bee-Killing Pesticide(commondreams.org)

Recycling was a lie — a big lie — to sell more plastic, industry experts say | CBC Documentaries(cbc.ca)

Some Epson printers are hard-coded to stop working until a software flag is reset by a service agent, exacerbating e-waste concerns(fighttorepair.substack.com)
EPA Scientists Said They Were Pressured to Downplay Harms From Chemicals. A Watchdog Found They Were Retaliated Against.(propublica.org)

“NOAA fabricates temperature data for more than 30 percent of the 1,218 USHCN reporting stations that no longer exist.” 🔥 The whole climate story is a scam from beginning to end.(zerohedge.com)

Here is a letter from 1800+ scientists, including 2 Nobel Laureates, over 20 tenured professors, and over 300 doctors. Guess all the scientists don't agree after all.(clintel.org)