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[–]digitalfrost[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Trump. Is he racist or not. Many more things. After all he started this media escalation almost. Impeachment. Russia.

Germany. Chemnitz. Alleged hunts on foreigners. Verfassungsschutz leader Maaßen had to go because of this.

Climate change. Is it human made or not. Is it really all CO2s fault? If yes, wouldn't nuclear be one of the best solutions?

Currently in germany, discussion about right wing terrorism / extremists while completely ignoring anything else. At the same making the political enemy responsible for this by proxy, while ignoring any of the many examples where the same could be said about leftists.

There are so many dogmas that cannot be questioned, it's become a religion or a cult. To have a different opinion is heresy. And it's not just politics.

Facebook recently banned a group on the keto diet. Any controversy or different opinion is 'problematic' if not hate speech. What do others care what people put into their mouths?

Ask any NPC in germany what happend in Chemnitz. They'll repeat the fake news propaganda. This is what I mean. As time drags on and the sides disagree on more and more "facts" discussion will become impossible, because you need to backtrack more and more if any disagreement occurs.