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[–]oligarchracy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Take a few who've lied about being in the camps and then use them to claim everyone was lying.

He's not simply talking about people who lied about being in the camps. He's talking about actual camp survivors who were caught lying. It's not a small number.

Your description of death by cyanide gas is certainly horrible, and it makes you wonder how cyanide was used as a means of "humane" execution in the US for over half a century later, and is still a backup method in several states. Humans are some terrible creatures, and in the spirit of "whataboutism" one could also describe in graphic detail what the victims of carpet bombing, incendiary bombing and atomic bombings went through in equally horrible terms. Imagine what people in shelters full of children at Dresden and Hamburg went through as they were trapped underground being cooked alive. Survivors like Kurt Vonnegut described scenes that looked like something about of Pompeii, with carmelized corpses caught in agonizing death poses, clutching their children.

The bolsheviks carried out some mind blowing shit in their day as well, all sorts of fatal torture, burying people alive, dropping them into vats of acid, pouring water over living people in public squares in the dead of the Russian winter and leaving their frozen corpses on display as a warning to others. It was your boy Trotsky, the "good bolshevik" who was in charge when all that went down. No one even knows how many German women were raped and beaten to death and executed by the Soviets at the end and directly after the war. In the spirit of never again, why aren't there countless Hollywood movies, school lessons, museums and memorials about those and so many other ww2 atrocities? You and I both know the answer to that one.

Oh yeah, and since we're on the subject of cyanide poisoning, shortly after the war, a group of Jews from Israel attempted to murder 6 million German civilians with what I believe was cyanide. The only reason they weren't successful is the British caught them and put a stop to it at the last minute, and then let them go back to Israel. The British not only allegedly saved you from the Nazis, but they saved you from yourselves, and look at how you repaid them. None of them were tried for the greatest attempted mass murder in history, and in fact some went on to become prominent Israeli politicians and the leader is celebrated as a great poet. To this day they are still treated as "tortured" anti hero's out for rightous revenge in Jewish/Israeli media, and I believe there was even a recent docudrama that put them in a positive light. It's hard to take your claims of never again seriously when you treat people who were caught literally trying it again as heroes. I guess bringing that up is "whataboutism" too, amirite?

[–]jacques1102[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Your description of death by cyanide gas is certainly horrible, and it makes you wonder how cyanide was used as a means of "humane" execution in the US for over half a century later, and is still a backup method in several states. Humans are some terrible creatures, and in the spirit of "whataboutism" one could also describe in graphic detail what the victims of carpet bombing, incendiary bombing and atomic bombings went through in equally horrible terms. Imagine what people in shelters full of children at Dresden and Hamburg went through as they were trapped underground being cooked alive. Survivors like Kurt Vonnegut described scenes that looked like something about of Pompeii, with carmelized corpses caught in agonizing death poses, clutching their children.

No one said that those atrocious weren't bad though.It was war shit happens.Also no where did the bolsheviks advocate for the genocide of the entire european white race.If true they'd kill every non jewish white person there.Also since you're claiming that jews lied about the shit they've seen, how do you know those germans aren't lying to try and paint themselves as the victims?Also i have no idea what you're referring with the jews attempting to murder 6 million germans with cyanide.What are you talking about?

[–]oligarchracy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Point is you guys work yourself up into this never ending holocaust frenzy, to the point you literally give your kids PTSD. Of course this obsession doesn't extend to any atrocities you yourselves committed or helped cause, not even ones happening NOW, much less 90 years ago.

People are over it. Yeah sure the sheep will eat whatever you feed them, and opportunists will cash in on your holocaust obsession or go along to get along, but intellectually honest people are done with it. Time for you guys to either build a bridge and get over it, or for us to acknowledge you never will and this is just another example of your self worship and ethnic narcisissim and we have to protect ourselves and our societies from your neurosis and insatiable desire for revenge(even though most of us were on the side that saved your asses in ww2).

[–]jacques1102[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Most jewish people in real life don't bring up the holocaust or give their kids PTSD over it.It's funny that you're accusing me(even though i'm not jewish)of obsessing over an atrocity that happened 90 years ago and yet i've seen people like you still obsess and take pride with things that your ancestors may or may not of even done as if that speaks for you.Also, how many times do you keep bringing up stuff like the slave trade,holodomor,or any other atrocity to same how blame jews for it?As for your last part,i have no idea what you're talking about but intellectually honest people is a fancy way of saying"People who eat up nazi propaganda".

[–]oligarchracy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Most jewish people in real life don't bring up the holocaust or give their kids PTSD over it

I don't know what the percentages are, but I remember reading about studies researching Jewish kids suffering PTSD over continuous holocaust indoctrination, generations later. Just seems like a bit much.

Also, how many times do you keep bringing up stuff like the slave trade,holodomor,or any other atrocity to same how blame jews for it?

This is to drive home the point that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Jews have done a lot of fucked up shit and currently don't publicly get blamed for any of it, while very publicly blaming whites for all manner of things, past and present. Sometimes using the rat tactic of pretending to engage in self criticism as "fellow whites". In fact blaming Jews for anything is considered "hate" or antisemitism, while Jews themselves have a built an entire cottage industry of blaming whites for shit. In some cases it's a multi generational family business.

As for your last part, I have no idea what you're talking about but intellectually honest people is a fancy way of saying"People who eat up nazi propaganda".

Well that's the game you guys play. Anyone who criticizes you is a nazi, or uses nazi propaganda. It ties back in to your holocaust obsession and how you use it to shield yourselves from criticism. And yeah obviously I do think you're Jewish, because who else would get so continually worked up over criticism of Jews?

To answer your earlier question about the attempted murder of 6 million Germans, there was some yid term for it, nakam I think.