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[–]Saiditking 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Everything you claim is disputed by the fact the Jewish establishment has done everything humanly possible to censor and deplatform the alt right. They wouldn't do that if they weren't scared of it, and they wouldn't do that if they created it. We DO know what they do to "movements" they do create(or intentionally amplify), like Qanon or the alt-lite. They take them over and use them as controlled opposition, or to channel activism into harmless or absurd and damaging avenues.

Steven Crowder recently went on a rant detailing how Big Jew tried to trap him into a long term contract in which he would be forced to spew their talking points and he would be destroyed if he ever ran afoul of the ADL or upset Jewish sensibilities, not that he ever showed any inclination of doing that anyway, but it was illustrative of how after effectively banning the alt right in mainstream or even alternative media, Jewish power sets about channeling those people who would be attracted to it into a pro zionist pro Jew potempkin village version of the alt right.

[–]milkmender11 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are looking at only one part of their strategy and choosing to see it as the whole. The establishment has most certainly NOT done 'everything humanly possible to censor and deplatform the alt right.' No, no, no, 100% wrong and you know it. The alt right is a household term specifically because the media intentionally inflated and promoted stories about this ragtag band of paleoconservatives (v2.0). They only censored in proportion with their platforming and promotion. It's funny, even as you say that the alt right was censored, lefties were upset that the media was promoting and popilarizing it! The undeniable fact is that there were many dozens, hundreds, and thousands of stories about the alt right and even hardcore lefties had to find a way to explain, with their own orientation, why the media they claim to oppose would 'take their side' on this issue. So they said it was part of a white supremacist plot to popularize the alt right, when actually the establishment did both the popularizing and the censoring.

Is it really a new concept that the house plays both sides and rigs the game? I miss old school 4chan. The alt right on saiddit is just a mirror image flip of reddit lefties. No more sophistication or critical thought