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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I don't understand your post. We don't think we are wrong. Why would you want us to tell you why other people say we are wrong?

The people that oppose us fall into two camps: propaganized and propagandist.

The propagandized are introduced to the big lie from birth*. They are normal people for the most part. Most are low information types that just want to consume and entertain themselves. The propagandists use cultural manipulation, finance and institutional power to convince the normal people to fall into transhumanist and globalist ideologies that benefit the propagandists. The propagandists don't think of themselves as part of the human race. They are under the perception they deserve to be a ruling class over a unified slave planet. Every goal they have is downstream from their ultimate goal of global government that abolishes competing national laws and national identities.

*The big lie being that seeing racial differences is evil except in the case where you are uplifting historically 'oppressed' races and pushing down historic 'oppressor' races. I'm sure you can guess who those groups are. Another founding myth in the western world is that Hitler was evil and gassed 6-11 million innocent Jews because he wanted to take over the world and kill everyone that wasn't a certain type of German. This is lie of extreme magnitude but it's consider mainstream historical doctrine and therefore is used to protect the very group that is perpetrating all the problems we see in our broken world today.

[–]panel30[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thanks for the reply.

I don't understand your post. We don't think we are wrong. Why would you want us to tell you why other people say we are wrong?

I mostly meant to solicit informative and non-hostile comments from people who think some aspect of alt right viewpoints are wrong, inaccurate, etc. This seemed like the appropriate place since this sub is at least in part meant for that kind of exchange right? I just wanted to do it in a more polite and information-focused way. Maybe I should crosspost somewhere else, does nobody else come to this sub?

I have seen some people on this site post stuff that's more fact based and less hostile, I was hoping for that kind of reply.

I would fit in with "the propagandized," and reading some alt-right things it seemed like some of the things people said were accurate. It was hard to get a fact-based reply when I tried to talk about some of it with people.

But that's also true for a lot of things, like "are vaccines really ok? those people are making a fuss about it and I want to be sure." That's a reasonable question, but people who seem very confident that their answer is so right I seem crazy don't give simple fact-based answers, like they might for any "normal" topic. The moon landing too. Gariepy's video from a while back about that was almost the only one I saw that was just the normal straightforward approach of "well ok, let's take a look at the evidence we have and see what we see."

I know it takes work to do that that not everyone wants to do. It's just that some people who post about this seem so absolutely confident about things, confident enough they justify treating other people badly. And ok, they're certainly not the only ones doing that in politics.

But if someone wanted to give some of it right now I'm interested in the normal straightforward version right now.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you go down this path, you will end up as an alt righter. Everyone who searches for the truth eventually ends up here.

Note that anyone can be an alt righter regardless of ideology, because reality is just reality.