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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People don't formulate their own worldview and they generally don't question their own worldview. Our value systems are manufactured for us by our parents, our mentors, our peers and our limited media options. After we get a certain set of moral values firmly installed we go into the working and adult world. Those same manufactured values are repeated everywhere so we think they're true. When we try subconsiously realize our cage we attempt to escape into sub cultures. These all lead to the same lies. We learn quickly that we are rewarded if we repeat the lie and punished if we stray from it. The Jews that have set up this race blind plantation plant monsters on the edge of the forest so that people don't get too far away from the approved morality. I've noticed among leftists that they don't really need to police each other. In fact liberals are always trying to outdo each other with examples of how well programmed they are. Uncle Ted called this oversocialized. Modern whites are still needed by the economy so they can spend their whole lives using their white brains to keep their distance from non whites but also keep themselves deluded and deceived about racial realities. Just imagine all the white hobbies, cultures and trends that are really about keeping them near people like themselves and away from non whites. It's an elaborate subconscious game.

So it's not about what's stopping most people from race realism. It's about people's inability to accurately conceptualize race realism. Race blindness is like the water that human toads live in. Imagine being a toad that's suppose to live on land but you were raised your whole life in water with frogs, fish and other aquatics. You'd probably never consider the fact that land living is an option. You might even hate and fear your own kind when you see it prospering on the land.