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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Polls in Alberta showed that if it was an American state, it would have been overwhelmingly pro-Clinton in 2016. I'm not sure about how they would have voted in the 2020 election, but Canada is Left-liberal enough that Albertan 'conservatism' is probably significantly closer to the Biden Democrats than to the Trumplicans.

Likewise, the CPC is probably closer to the Biden Democrats than to either side of the GOP. The CPC is noticeably more pozzed than the Republicans, where a narrow majority still oppose in 2022, for instance, fag marriage. Whereas nowhere near a majority of CPC voters would oppose that, and probably haven't for well over a decade.

I don't picture Turdeau, Trudope, Truvada or whatever that worthless imbecile is currently being called, leaving power unless the LPC does him in, in which case it is unlikely that his replacement will be any improvement. Canada has already reached the point which the Democrats are trying to reach in America, i.e. altering the demographics enough to ensure that they can maintain a sort of 'electoral dictatorship' or dominant-party state on the Federal (and eventually elsewhere) level.

Basically, so long as you have a large number of nonwhites and then make everything about 'racism', you will have a voting bloc that will always be yours (because they fear Whites collectivizing more than they fear inflation or anything else that ranks highly on voter's concerns) unless someone even more 'anti-racist' appears to your Left or unless an ethnic party forms, and even in the case of the latter, you will only really lose voters of that ethnic group, e.g. Muslims to a party like Denk in the Netherlands or that new party in Sweden, groups which appear when multiracialism becomes sufficiently entrenched, leaving you with all of the rest. In America it seems very likely to me that an explicitly black party will appear at some stage (in which case they'll be competing chiefly with the Democrats), but all attempts to do this haven't yet amounted to anything.

This is probably because the Democrats have so far been able to keep up with their increasingly ridiculous demands for 'free this' and 'free that', but their demands grow increasingly absurd, and it is difficult to see how the Democrats can continue to cater to all this nonsense without going in the direction that leads them to lose more centrist politicians like Gabbard and Yang.

And being stuck with Leftist Democrats and/or nonwhites isn't the best position to be in: some nonwhite groups might end up being kicked out of the 'people of colour' coalition for being 'too White' or 'too oppressive', or form their own ethnic parties and thus increasingly go their own way. Nor can nonwhites always be trusted to support White Leftists, the latter of whom will be increasingly marginalized within their own party since they are, at the end of the day, still White and thus part of the group that Leftist politics tells everyone is 'bad', as well as slowly becoming minoritized as plenty of younger nonwhite politicians flood in.