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[–]oligarchracy 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can only speak for myself. I don't like Hitler either way. Regardless of his initial intentions, he allowed Germany to be baited into a war that caused massive widespread death and destruction, including the death of 10-13 million Germans, and which destroyed Germany. He kept the war going long after it became hopeless, thereby allowing even more widespread death and destruction than otherwise would have occurred.

As for Hitler's ultimate intention regarding Jews. I think it's obvious that had the war ended in 1940 after the Germans defeated the British, It's most likely that the Jews in concentration camps would have been dumped on some other country, possibly into Palestine, but there's no way to know, as a confrontation with the Soviet Union was likely, and who knows how things would have played out had that still happened. It's my understanding that no direct evidence of an order from Hitler to exterminate the Jews was ever produced, even by Germans under torture and who were facing execution. Once the war in Russia began the Germans became increasingly savage and desperate, as the war became one of national survival. Whether Hitler ordered Jews be killed, preferred they die but left it up to subordinates to order it and carry it out, or was indifferent to whether they died, no one really knows. The issue has become so politicized and propagandized now that no objective study could be carried out while Jews have so much wealth and power, and at this point it's irrelevant anyway. Hitler is dead. German leaders were tried and mostly executed. Unlike the Jewish leaders who carried out the Holodomor. Germany was extensively punished, and is still being punished to this day, generations later.

I find it unlikely he ordered Jews be killed, for the simple reason had he done so there would have been few if any survivors, instead of the millions we saw. By contrast no one ever hears about holodomor survivors. Why? Because those that were meant to be killed all died. Entire families, entire villages and towns, wiped out of existence, erased from history. That is what intentional genocide looks like.

As for as my current views on Jews. They have little to nothing to do with Hitler or WW2, and everything to do with what has happened since and is happening right now. Even still I don't wish any Jews dead, and in fact like and admire many Jews, past and present. I still dont want to be ruled by them. They should have as much political power as the 2% of the population they represent. No more no less, give or take a small variance. If that makes me antisemitic, so be it.