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[–]bug-in-recovery 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the main issue is that some people cannot observe the political development for what it is

they are so used to having everything in politics being a personality cult

so that if you are happy that the current news cycle is talking about antisemtism because dumb billionaire nigger bit its owners, you must be a syncophantic kanye fan

you must be hoping kanye brings you political victory or something

kanye, like nick cannon or ice cube, is part of a small group of vocal blacks in entertainment who have been tired of jewish shit for a long time

they're not going to be perfect, because newsflash: they're blacks, and they're going to say a lot of stupid things too

but so long as we are in a black worshipping society where so many people pay attention to them

i like that they talk about jewish power from time to time and it really pisses off jews


people in our position currently have ZERO political power or influence to change these events as they are unfolding

what does it mean to "support" or "disavow" kanye right now? absolutely nothing.

we're along for a ride in this retarded country