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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There has always been a tension between liberal and democratic ideology; indeed, they weren't even that well merged until the early 20th century, especially after WWI. Ardent 19th century liberals like J. S. Mill were highly sceptical of democracy.

We're seeing that they still haven't been fully reconciled today, with plenty of liberals clearly preferring some sort of unelected bureaucratic government composed of self-styled 'intellectuals' (viz. the 'enlightened', 'educated', 'sophisticated', &c. cosmopolitans) running everything, most of whom are foreign to their own country.

The cosmopolitan soy-latte-guzzling Remoaners who voted against Brexit because 'mah holidays to Europe' and who read The Guardian to whinge about the 'Far-Right Tories' all day are an arch-example: they have zero problem with having their national sovereignty and borders eroded, and they were 100% willing to discard the referendum results, what with all their nonsense about annulling the first Brexit referendum to hold a second one in which the people would realize their 'error' and that their 'true' interests were 'really' served by remaining in the EU. Of course, if the second one also failed, many of them would be open to a third and a fourth and so on right up until they got their desired result, at which point they'd immediately switch to being anti-referendum.

Liberals very easily become anti-democrats if they think that the 'ignorant', 'uneducated', 'unsophisticated', &c. people are shifting Rightward. You could also see strands of this with the '2016 was rigged', '#NotMyPresident' thing during the Trump Administration: there is this persistent idea that Trump was 'illegitimate' and that he either wasn't voted in or was only voted in by 'inbred uneducated hillbilly rednecks' (as if those people even remotely outnumber the typical big city urbanite scum such that they could win the federal election). Just like the fool you linked, who writes that Bernie Sanders (compared to Biden, more populist and less elitist and pluralist, that is, a more extreme and arguably more illiberal democrat) is 'anti-intellectual'.

They just can't face the fact that educated urbanites can also oppose them. 'Like, dude, surely being educated would make you a liberal cosmopolitan, r-r-right?'

Just look at this comment. Obvious liberal who calls democracy 'a shit system'. Yeah, it's 'shit' and needs to be replaced by unelected and mostly foreign 'intellectuals' when Meloni wins:

Of course, democracy's great, definitely not rigged (e.g. 'the most secure election in US history') and the 'adults are back in charge' when the likes of Biden wins.

One of the many things that I like about the actual Far-Right is its sheer consistency compared to all other positions: there, liberalism and democracy are always trash, and not only situationally so. 'I win, therefore democracy is good and not rigged; I lose, therefore democracy is bad and rigged' is reasoning befitting merely of the idiot masses and unbecoming of anyone genuinely possessing of intelligence.

Think about it: every future Federal election in America will be considered 'fake' and 'rigged' by millions of people. And the only thing that decides who those millions of people actually are is who wins. For instance, if a Republican wins in 2024, there is practically 100% certainty that millions of Democrats will go through the '#NotMyPresident' spiel all over again, that there will be a 'Russiagate 2.0' conspiracy theory (The Russians hacked it again!!!).