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Who do you side with? China? Russia? American Military? Local militias?

Ideally, I'll align with the side championing ideals, ideological struggle, displaying bravery, strength, and industry (wholesome integration of whites, blacks, and Asians). In short, achieving greatness, whether material or spiritual.

Ultimately, I'll side with the side which can muster up a Hitler or Stalin, regardless of whether they're good or bad. And if both sides of the conflict manage to produce such giants, I guess I'll be playing for both sides.

It's not really about who wins, but who fights the hardest and lays down an unforgettable legacy. But it seems that both sides will somehow be well-balanced and unable to vanquish the other. Both sides will lie in ruins and a new nation will be founded.

If none of the above factions have these things going for them, then all is truly lost. Realistically, I'll be forced into servitude by whoever wields the gun.

If I even remotely cared for my well-being or for my family, I'd have to look out for their survival. However, my family isn't really worth salvaging (Christian parents, relatives intermarrying) and I've never really been close with them. A great gulf between me and my parents was instigated against me when I was a child and teenager. I also don't have a livelihood or career to worry about. So I find myself in a very fortuitous position where I can ideologically go all-out and not have to worry about losing anything.

Do the Chinese or Russians offer dissidents collaboration deals?

Unless China or Russia were to broker an offer to me on account of my research. I actually had a bizarre dream about this scenario, the only WW3-themed dream to date.

But if they have any good sense about them, they'd know better than to trust traitors and would keep a close eye on them. Three lessons from Aesop: The Partridge and the Fowler, The Flea and the Man, The Thieves and the Cock.

Would they be trustworthy?

Probably not, but the Russians aren't nearly as pragmatist as the Chinese.

Would the US military cut a deal with the enemy?

Unfortunately, I don't know jack squat about the US military.

Would the american economy and populace be strong enough/united enough to fight if the war lasted for years?

They'd need one hell of a president to turn things around. I can name a few non-public candidates, there are real visionaries and pioneers out there in America, but the chances of them getting into power through politics is infinitesimal.

According to Hitler, the only thing holding America together is technology. When that stops working and when they lose their oversea "colonies" abroad, they'd disintegrate more swiftly than India. Like England, the US isn't really adapted to deal with a long-term famine. They've long had their unresolved racial and social problems shoved under a rug or blamed on their enemies. The unwillingness to accept responsibility for the current state of affairs will be their very undoing.


Where do the Jews go?

One might assume that like in WW2, they'd find refuge everywhere and have plenty of relatives living abroad. But that's assuming the cities will be intact, not devastated by revolution and exclusively occupied by revolutionaries.

Historically, their ancestors found solace in the wilderness and desert regions, the question is whether these environments will prove hospitable to them. Doesn't matter how familiar one might be with these places as a survivalist, they'll be radically changed.

Considering the advent of Christian and Muslim predictions, this time around they won't find any places to hide, unless they've effectively ceased to be a Jew and are fully assimilated.

Do they leave before, during or after?

The Third Reich of Dreams highlights how non-entrenched Jews received premonitory warnings of their impending fate, which turned out to be true. Hitler alluded to their uncanny sixth sense, he was unable to descry how much of their activity rested on conscious calculations or unconscious instinct.