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[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The modern, bastardised Christianity that exists today originates from the Scofield bible. Among other things, this edition literally whitewashed the part where the Jews conspired to have Jesus crucified by the Romans. The Scofield bible paved the way for the deranged cult of the Evangelicals, and their worship of the Jews and Israel.

In Medieval Europe, when Christianity was dominant, Jews were forced to live in ghettos and wear the star of David. They were not allowed to have positions of influence within society, as it was known that they would inevitably try to backstab the locals. Despite their disadvantaged position, the Jews still managed to cause enough trouble from time to time that the locals would incite pogroms or exile them.