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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I will admit freely, I went full schizo with the vax thing. Thought this was the big move from ZOG and they'd use it to insert genetic modification on us or make us permanently dependent on vaccine shots like insulin is for diabetes.

They did. They used it to sterilise 3 generations, though passing time will account for plausible deniability. I have a post about it. Pfizer and Moderna have undisclosed ingredients, specifically CRISPR CAS9, which is used to slice chromosome 12 and 5, specifically, having impact on fertility.

But now COVID is a thing of the past, the establishment has moved on to the next happening: the Russia-Ukraine war and vaccine passports and lockdowns have gone away.

Lockdowns are still a thing, esepcially in certain European countries. It's just that those who refused the CRISPR injection are not allowed to do certain things, which is a deception in itself.

Billions took the vaccine but tens of millions didn't die or become infertile from the vax.

It was targeted at certain people. Dr. Hill showed that many people recieved controls, others recieved the CRISPR Cas9, while others received kill shots.

I still think it's dangerous and unnecessary but I no longer think that they cause sterility or death on a wide scale.

They cause sterility. Just search my posts or see very_0wn's twitter account which has the information and studies nobody talks about. They do indeed cause sterility upon repeated usage via CRISPR cas9.

A. ZOG medical corporations wanted to make big bucks out of it.

True, they were promised a 'vaccine' CRISPR revolution and got it with the declaration of their Syndemic.

B. ZOG governments wanted to use it to increase surveillance and repression.


C. Some ZOG big boys saw it as an opportunity to push their pet projects like vaccine passports, digital ID, and so on

That was the plan, it's just that they got a lot of pushback.

D. Big finance wanted to use it as an excuse to do QE and offload their liabilities onto the central banks and further fatten their pockets.

Exactly, the entire system was foing to fail, so they imposed lockdowns. See the Repo markets before the pandemic.

However, COVID ultimately fizzled out and became benign as most infectious diseases do with the omicron variant.

Covid was released as a stealth ethno-bioweapon targeting Indo-Europeans via ACE2 receptor which was used as a catalyst for CRISPR mRNA revolution. They didn't need it to be that devastating to get the results they wanted.

The lockdowns also caused the global supply chain to crater and they could simply afford it no longer. The lockdowns and vaccine passports no longer became justifiable and the global capitalist economy was on the verge of collapsing due to the supply chain disruptions.

It's not over yet. If you understand that they plan these events in advamce, you'll notice, like EVENT 201, they underwent pandemic exercises for a deadlier pandemic come 2025. The plutocrats have already said another pandemic (syndemic) is coming.

In addition, the syndemic was acaryluzt to implement the UN's SDG AGENDA 2030 goals.

Most big ZOG events are driven by media and social media hysterics and the Russian invasion of Ukraine diverted attention away from the COVID. The blue checkmark class had something else to squawk about. Ultimately, this crisis in conjunction with the Biden administration's actions so far has also caused me to re-evaluate my previous way of looking at things. I've abandoned deep conspiracy theory thinking in the vein of Thuletide, Apollonian Germ with their UN depopulation, Agenda 2030, and Freemasons-Illuminate nonsense.

Why? They are not finished yet. Wait until 2025.

I've come around to a more grounded form of thinking where the current world order is the product of Jewish nepotism and a general cultural milleu of libtardism that has been crafted over the last 80 years due to Jewish control of American academia, media, and entertainment.


I no longer think of the structure as some pyramid where Rothschild and other Jewish bankers are sitting at the top crafting grand narratives and giving direct orders to all the regime apparatus as a whole.

It works more as a culture of Jewish revolutionary spirit and cultural vandalism.

tl;dr, the elites aren't supervillians planning for world domination. Libtardism and anglo-Jewish materialistic end of history thinking is all they know and they know of no other way to operate. They also go along with it because it greatly benefits them. The Jews are obviously driven by what's good for the Jews and what's bad for the goys.

I can agree with the last part of the analysis.