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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We just need people to be talking about it, because discussion is the first step that the problem is being acknowledged to even begin with. Just how can a problem even begin to be solved if it is constantly subject to what is known as 'non-decision making'? Prevented from even becoming acknowledged as an issue by those who hold power. Hidden, downplayed, made taboo. Acknowledgement is the first step towards resolution.

This is the main reason I felt that Zemmour was more good than harmful. He simply got people talking about mass immigration to begin with.

And what does this talking do? It forces people to take sides. It forces Whites to be pro- or anti, and makes worthless fucktards like whoever the OP quoted show their true colours. It encourages nonwhites who have antagonistic views to become more vocal and paranoid. There doesn't seem to be any downside whatsoever to the acknowledgement and discussion of the issue.

Let it become a wedge issue in the same way as Roe v. Wade. The more such issues appear the more divided publics become. And there is no such thing as 'too divided' in the current year.

Finally, you can't rebuild the asabiyyah, thumos, etc. of individuals. Nobody seriously argues that allowing endangered species to go extinct is fine even if the members of those species are not the best at any particular thing.

If this asshole needs some kind of proof that there is an instrumental value in keeping any particular group alive, then he is anti-survival for everyone. 'We're not best at this, we're not best at that, we're not best at the other'. Yeah? Well who is? I could just as easily say that groids don't need to be preserved as a race because they sure as hell aren't the smartest or richest, and win fuck all in the way of medals in the Olympics despite being what that guy has in mind when he writes 'best athletes'.

Using his reasoning, why should I give a shit if they go extinct? I also can't think of one single positive thing that Latinos or MENAs are supposed to be the best at, so I guess they should all be wiped out as well. He, of course, won't extend this reasoning that far, because he'd be a racist/Nazi, etc.

How does he even rationalize his own existence? I doubt that he and his family have achieved anything of note, so why would it matter to me if they were all gunned down in the next mass shooting? Apparently people need to be 'superior' to be worth saving, and 'superior' is a club that this fucktard and his family ain't in.