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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

This news is the most thrilling I've heard this year. Every degenerate piece of shit feminist and her dog is out there having a meltdown right now, and it's uproarious. They really believe that they're back in the 'Dark Ages', that 'Handmaid's Tale' has become real. Just check out this compilation of reaction videos.

The first one had me burst out laughing, especially looking at her surname, one which she shares with numerous famous Jews. A Jewess having a literal meltdown. Someone needs to combine that clip with the female Happy Merchant. I imagine the second one is also a Jewess judging by that surname.

Basically, what's going on is that the Supreme Court has six Republicans out of nine justices, which is possibly President Trump's greatest legacy. The explicitly Leftist/Democrat judges (Kagan [Jewess] and Sotomayor [Hispanic female], with Breyer [Jew] now replaced by Judge Jumanji [the black woman who couldn't answer what a woman was]) are in a clear minority and can't do shit about what the Supreme Court does unless they convince two Republican judges to go against the Republican majority.

I imagine that this 6-3 Supreme Court majority will be maintained until Justice Thomas (the black fellow who also happens to be the most principled Right-winger on the Supreme Court judging by his voting record) passes away. Something which Democrats are desperately wishing for on Twitter and elsewhere.

So what we have is an executive (Biden) and legislative (both Democrat-controlled houses of Congress) which is Left-liberal fuxated but a judiciary which is Republican. Basically, one branch of government is essentially at war with the other two. Short of being able to acquire power ourselves, this kind of instability is basically the best thing that we can hope for in regards to macro-level politics. A Republican judiciary at war with the Democrat executive and legislature over abortion = plenty of degens out there making fools of themselves, burning cars, breaking windows, spraypainting 'F12' and 'ACAB' everywhere, sinking further into drug abuse, committing suicide, etc.

Even funnier, all this was leaked. The Supreme Court was working on this without the public having any idea about it for months, when Breyer was yet to resign. Like Ginsburg, he probably planned to resign during a Clinton Administration, only to find himself stuck in the role lest Trump decide his replacement. Thankfully Ginsburg croaked, preventing her from being replaced by a Democrat, but Breyer made it through.

I'm not conflicted about abortion at all. Abortion for Whites is unequivocally wrong. What overturning Roe v. Wade does is make abortion a state-level issue (Democrat states will still be aborting). It's the Republican, i.e. mostly White, states that will use this to be rid of abortion. Left-liberals who want liberal abortion policies will have to migrate to the already lost parts of America where abortion can keep hammering away at their population growth. Majority non-white, heavily Democratic states like California will still have their abortion policies undisturbed. The correct stance on abortion is 'abortion for thee, but not for me', just like the Jewish stance on 'diversity'.

Just look at the oceans of tears of soy on r/politics. It's glorious! Democrats in California and other blue shitholes are literally screaming in anguish over something that doesn't even affect them. How many times do I have to repeat this to the idiots on Reddit I made an account simply to make fun of today? Nobody is stopping you from having an abortion! Nobody. Is. Stopping. You. From. Having. An. Abortion! If you're in a Red state, just travel to a Blue one (and please stay there).

[–]JuliusCaesar225Nationalist + Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Republican states are the most white. In fact the states with the highest black population are all Red.

Vast majority of Americans are against this. Conservatives have been able to gain traction because the modern Left has become so bad that Republicans have begun to look better in the culture war. Rather than the usual stupid religious right nonsense the current conservative culture war was against things like critical race theory, trans, pro crime/riots. Considering how hard conservatives go after abortion you would think there was a huge support to ban it but it is only a minority of conservatives who consider this a passionate issue. But who cares because it will "trigger the libs" I guess.

[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Overlooking an opportunity to cut one of the many causes decreasing White births just because a bunch of non-whites largely self-segregating in shitholes like Atlanta, where there are almost no Whites to begin with, seems pointless to me. For example, if you look at channels like it is easy to see that plenty of places in which blacks live have practically no non-black populations whatsoever. Pray tell, how many non-blacks can you find in any of his videos?

The gains made by having more Whites in Red states seems to me to vastly outweigh the losses incurred by having more blacks in (and mostly only in select areas of, at that) Red states, and that's all that's really at stake here, because in Blue states business goes on as usual, with abortion continuing in places like California and Illinois (nobody is going to take abortion away from the countless blacks in Chicago and Detroit, or the countless Hispanics in California) with or without RvW.

Another obvious plus side is that it will help prevent emigration from the more populous Blue states to smaller Red states, which heavily threatens Federal elections even further still, since large numbers of Democrats can flip more sparsely populated states Blue. They talk about doing this all the time in order to deprive the Republicans of each Red state's two guaranteed Senate seats. American elections are largely winner takes all, which means that if Democrats spread themselves strategically throughout Republican America (and they by far have the demographic advantage, having won every popular vote since 1988) they will simply seize the whole country. But such plans are unlikely to amount to anything if the Democrats find life in Republican America intolerable and thus choose to remain in places like California.

We're already seeing the effects of this in places like Nevada, to where plenty of the Californian garbage is spreading. But reversing RvW will in turn help to further polarize the country into a 'Red America' and 'Blue America' with separate realities, by making abortion an additional wedge issue to drive them further apart. Current wedge issues like CRT are clearly not enough to destabilize or divide the country.

'Triggering the libs' does far more for us than whatever DeSantis or Youngkin or some other Repub has done regarding CRT or 'transwomen' in women's sports or some other 'current year' battle which the Republicans always lose on in the end. BLM's bullshit in 2020 did wonders in reversing the Republicans' rapid decline in polling when Covid came, and if the Left-liberals come out to protest something that by and large doesn't even concern them unless they live in a Red state, it will do the same. The Republicans need to be far more destabilizing, polarizing and provocative, and far less bipartisan both for their own good and ours. Bipartisanship just makes both parties seem like two wings of the same System bird, and does nothing to break up the country in ways from which Whites can benefit. I don't want the GOP to convince the Democrats to adopt their position on something like CRT, thus winning part of the 'culture war'; I want the GOP to push things that the Democrats absolutely hate, thus impossibilizing the continuation of a singular America. I want them to push the types of policies that lead Left-liberals to burn and loot, clash with police, declare 'autonomous zones' like the CHAZ/CHOP, force businesses to board up or close in their own areas and otherwise convince others that both sides can't live together anymore. A CalExit consequent of extreme levels of polarization, for example, would be overwhelmingly good for Whites. Whereas I can't see anything really positive out of defeating CRT, since the centrist/colourblind position that CRT is replacing was similarly bad and in some ways is even worse for us. CRT is leading to new forms of segregation, the only difference between 'old' and 'new' segregation being that they call the shots rather than Whites, for example.

[–]EthnocratArcheofuturist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Republican states are the most white. In fact the states with the highest black population are all Red.

You mean Democratic states?