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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why is it that the usual Left-liberal types seem to seriously both fear and hate Elon Musk, to the point that so many of them are going on right now about how want to delete their Twitter accounts? Is it just because they've become so radicalized to the extent they can't even stand being reminded of a White (?) male simply succeeding in life, a la their unending ressentiment towards Trump? Over these past few months there's been an insane level of Musk Derangement Syndrome... and the guy isn't even in politics. Imagine the tears if he one day becomes President!?

I bet he's even a Democrat voter, and would only differ in that he's much more libertarian, especially insofar as economics is concerned: he talks about lowering taxes and cutting red tape a lot when asked about his political views. Is it that they prefer the censoriousness of the existing Twitter because they can't really function outside of these massive safe spaces, in places where they're bombarded constantly with 'mansplaining', 'microaggressions', 'triggers' and so forth? That the safe space of Twitter gives a kind of psychological comfort that they feel that Musk is threatening?

I'm not exactly a Twitter user (never made a Tweet) but I do share Dragonerne's enthusiasm simply because, with the DR having been deplatformed along with Trumpism, TERFs and some other groups from the whole surface web, it does look like a potential way to get back on there. Generally, the more groups consisting of those who have been unpersoned that operate in a particular space, the more we are—as one of those groups—able to thrive by blending in with the rest of them. We're on Saidit precisely because a handful of TERFs and 'LGBdroptheT' people also are; we're on .win precisely because thousands of Trumpists also are. The presence of multiple unpersoned groups in a particular space helps to normalize each one of them.

After all, the average shithead tranny moderator out there can't tell the difference between Trumpism and the DR, it's all 'Far-Right' to xem, and so if the former becomes acceptable, the likes of Keith Woods will fit back in just fine.

I obviously agree that a hypothetical DR Twitter account with millions of followers wouldn't last, but it's not as though Keith Woods or anyone else who runs in these circles was anywhere near a million followers when they were banned in the first place.