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[–]TheJamesRocket[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The Russians have reached the outskirts of Huilaipole in the South and Izumy in the north. I've checked and the distance between the two is only 247 km. It means that if both travel about 140-150 km, they will meet. The pincer will be closed and some 45-60,000 Ukrainian troops will be encircled.

Do you think the Russians will try it? That is a really huge pocket to isolate, given the number of troops they have. Maybe if the Ukrainians have depleted most of their munitions, then it could work.

But at any rate, there will certainly be an encirclement at Kramatorsk if the Ukies don't retreat immediately. They are caught in an exposed salient.

The Russian offensive seems to be held up by Kharkov and Mariupol. Once those two falls, there's no anchor for the Ukrainian donbass army anymore.

Yes. The Ukrainians are making their stand in and around the citys, turning them into strongpoints. They know the Russians will be at a disadvantage in urban warfare, especially as they can't use indiscriminate artillery fire in the citys (as that would lead to huge collateral damage). The Ukies seem reluctant to fight battles in open terrain.