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[–]lokke767 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There is zero evidence any of the mitigating measures even work at all, and the mainstream is starting to realize that, which is why we are seeing a gradual but obvious narrative shift. Brazil as far as I am aware also did draconian lockdowns and even vax passes, it is also a non-example because it has very similar death rates to similar countries that adopted even harsher measures. The country with the highest death rate by far has been Peru, which had an extremely harsh approach, and it's likely due to genetic reasons, as its genetic makeup is primarily indio. The Vax is a whole different matter, but what is crucial is to understand that there is no reason at all to force healthy, young people to take an experimental gene therapy that won't even prevent transmission in the first place.

I view this primarily as another step in the west's descent into a highly managed totalitarian society composed of weak, pathetic individuals who are too afraid to venture outside because of a virus that will kill a negligible amount of healthy, young people. To prioritize saving the lives of fat, sick and old people at the expense of society's functioning and young, healthy people's livelihoods is not only bizarre, it is criminal and a symptom of a terminal sociocultural illness. The pandemic totalitarianism is another step in the murder of the european spirit and its replacement by semitic-asiatic insectoid collectivism.