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[–]NayenezganiNot alt-right 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Even economically secure people in developed countries fabricate hate crime hoaxes.

Yet it is inconceivable to some, that people from one of the poorest countries would stretch the truth in order to live in one of the richest countries.

And it is even harder to imagine, is that some Sikhs in Afghanistan would refuse India's generous offer to repatriate them, despite their supposedly desperate conditions. But then it makes sense when you consider that Canada has offered to take them instead. It looks like they would risk being stranded in Afghanistan to go to Canada or the US, rather than return to their religious homeland.

Now there are also Taliban supporters who say they are fleeing the Taliban, when in reality they just want to move to a prosperous country. Conditions for scamming a free ride have never been so good.

Edit: Typo.