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[–]SerpensInferna 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I agree, whites are still pretty comfortable and have too much left to lose.

I also hope there won't be war, and up until recently I thought the idea of a 'race war' was pretty far-fetched. But it seems less far-fetched these days. The amount of people that were red-pilled by the BLM riots, and subsequent support of them by the Democrats, was pretty substantial. Previous to that, it seemed that people were generally content to go along to get along, but constantly being demonized for their race set a lot of people's teeth on edge and was extraordinarily destructive to already fragile race relations. It doesn't help that we have politicians that are, through greed or radicalism, actively working to destroy the USA. Continuing to take resources away from white people (and Asians) to give to the oppressed races are only going to turn up the temperature more.

We cannot have a cohesive, multi-cultural country. It's impossible. Values are too differing, and with the continued importation of people whose values are the antithesis of Western culture, it's not looking good.

At the very least, and maybe the best outcome, I do foresee some level of Balkanization. It was always inevitable, but it was also always a distant future kind of thing. Now I think it may happen in my lifetime.

I think there will continue to be escalating street skirmishes, like we see between Antifa and various groups right now (since the authorities appear to be unwilling to deal with Antifa on their own). Whether or not that explodes into a more widespread conflict remains to be seen.

If tensions go hot, it's going to be complete and utter chaos with lines between factions unclear and fluctuating (i.e. you have lots of liberal whites flogging themselves before the altar of wokeness).

As far as the world stage, I'm not an expert. Lessening influence, supply shortages, declining quality of life, crumbling cities and infrastructure, allies and enemies alike laughing at us, you know, general End of Empire kind of stuff is what I'm leaning towards.

[–]Blackbrownfreestuff 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nailed it. The other thing we will see is global violence as the rest of the world is no longer restrained by the world supercop. This will cause more supply issues.