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[–]peaceful 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Try talking to whites to wake them up and see how most of them oppose you. Liberal whites and most conservatives will oppose the creation of an ethnostate. Do you even talk to large numbers of white normies?

[–]YORAMRWWhite nationalist, eugenicist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Try talking to whites to wake them up and see how most of them oppose you. Liberal whites and most conservatives will oppose the creation of an ethnostate.

Just because most white people don't literally support the creation of an ethnostate doesn't mean they're actually anti-white. They've been brainwashed for over half a century to not have any ingroup preference and associate white people with ingroup preference with nazism and the KKK, so you can't blame them for not instantly being fully on board with the alt-right, especially since most of them have never even been seriously exposed to our ideas. Woke redditors, on the other hand, are for the most part psychopaths who actively want to destroy the white race.

Do you even talk to large numbers of white normies?

Do you? I regularly talk with random white people, quite a lot of them agree with my ideas when I bring them up, and none of them has reacted to me anywhere close to how hostile woke redditors react whenever they encounter someone who's pro-white on Reddit.

[–]peaceful 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I feel like we have exposed many to our ideas. White genocide groups, JQ groups, 4chan outreach, race realism groups, altright on youtube, etc.

You naturally suspected racial differences were real and then searched out the evidence on the internet. Why aren't all whites doing that if they aren't too dumb to save their race?

Besides, you can't say propaganda excuses them. Even if they succumb to propaganda it is still because of their stupidity.

I regularly talk with random white people

Tell us what you say to turn them pro-white.

[–]YORAMRWWhite nationalist, eugenicist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You naturally suspected racial differences were real and then searched out the evidence on the internet. Why aren't all whites doing that if they aren't too dumb to save their race?

Because apparently for some white people, like me and most on this sub, ingroup preference is deeply enough embedded in my genes that it was going to express itself eventually. I don't think I'm particularly smart by white standards, and there are many whites who are smart but don't have as much ingroup preference.

Edit: You also have to keep in mind that most of us who became pro-white (including myself) did so before all pro-white content was deplatformed in 2019-2020. Bacl when YouTube was full of pro-white content, it was very popular and white nationalism was growing rapidly, but once the pro-white content was gone this growth rapidly declined, hence disproving the common boomer cuckservative talking point that "deplatforming doesn't work".

Besides, you can't say propaganda excuses them. Even if they succumb to propaganda it is still because of their stupidity.

The majority of people in any race (not just whites) don't naturally have strong political beliefs, but are more like NPCs who just internalize whatever propaganda/brainwashing they recieve at the moment. Some people, like this sub, are less suspectible to this, while others (like white redditors) are so suspectible to this to the point that they lack an internal moral compass whatsoever, and most people (like non-woke white normies) fall somewhere inbetween.

It's just the truth that the main reason why most whites lack ingroup preference right is simply because they've been propagandized for over half a century. Non-whites are more ethnocentric because they simply have the luxury of not having been brainwashed to hate themselves for over half a century like whites have been. Now that you know this, if you still want to blame normal white people themselves for not actively supporting our ideas, it probably means you have something against white people and don't want to save the white race to begin with.

Also, if whites supposedly hate themselves so much, why was it the necessary for the Jews in power to deplatform all pro-white content? That doesn't sound like something they would feel the need to do if white people were just naturally self-hating.


I regularly talk with random white people

Tell us what you say to turn them pro-white.

There isn't anything specific in particular I say, I usually just start by asking their opinions about current race-related events. When they espouse MSM talking points about it, I debunk them and show them how the MSM is illustrating an anti-white narrative about it that's out of touch with reality to demonize white people. If they still disagree with me after this, I usually give up, but if they agree with me I go on to talk about pro-white stuff like non-white mass immigration being deliberately used to replace white people in white countries. When they have the same type of opinions on the issue from the get go, I tell them I agree and then go on about the same pro-white stuff.

Kinda what CatboyKami does on Omegle, but obviously only to white people and in a non-offensive manner. Other things I might do is pointing out how being pro-white as a white person is in essence no different (and therefore no worse) than caring more about your own family than about other families, or caring more about humans than other animal species.

Of course, if they're genuinely self-hating this obviously couldn't work, they have to already have a bit in of white ingroup preference in them hidden under the layers of Jewish brainwashing. You can't magically transform genuinely self-hating/anti-white whites into white nationalists this way. This goes to show that woke anti-whites are right about something, namely that normal white people are secretly far more "racist" than it would seem, the difference is that they consider that a bad thing while I consider that a good thing.

[–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Do you even talk to large numbers of white normies?

Yes and I've had some limited success talking to people about our ideas by staying positive, being charming and not assuming everyone who disagrees with me is a stupid idiot you sad sack doomer.