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[–]CircumsteinRabbi Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I warned about that website in this info-laden comment a long time ago:

They've been working with AHS to try to make their platform amenable to the kind of morons who frequent Reddit. They need to cater to them in order to have a chance at achieving the mainstreaming that they want.

There's actually a whole heap of guilds they've missed, though practically every guild (including the ones they banned) is practically inactive.

It doesn't help that people involved with the site's hierarchy like carpathianflorist are well known fuckwits who were also trolls on Reddit. Some of the users are total morons, as well. Just look at "TrumpVoter1". Holy hell, this is the guy who claimed that Leftists are just a fringe group opposed by most of the country and all sorts of other delusional nonsense. Fringe group... who win the popular vote even when they lose overall? Cuckservative extraordinaire.

Look at all the obvious morons they used to have. WillieOffThePickleBoat (pretty sure this was a gay black male in America), Disp77, Ashina (a literal gay Turk?), Dissident whatever (the self-proclaimed Marxist who knows nothing about Marxism), Osrs2 whatever (Jewish "socialist" in America whose name is to do with that old 'Runescape" game). Who even wants to remember these people?

[–]shilldetector 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

What is the deal with carpathianflorist? I didnt spend much time on ruqqus, but right away I noticed this person seemed to continually stir up trouble and was always backed up by the admin no matter how much the rest of the userbase disliked him.

Is he just some random activist Jew censor that continually threatens the admin with lawsuits, doxxing, brigading and deplatforming? The internet is full of them and they seem to have a hotline to the ADL and other Jewish orgs, but ruqqus admin seemed to be unusually scared of him, assuming they arent actually Jewish themselves, as I believe it had been more or less established that kek was.

It's possible Magnora7 has gone silent due to threats from people like this. My guess is they used the threat of lawfare to silence him, possibly even found some way to get our new American stasi overlords at the FBI and "homeland security" involved, since Biden basically handed both over to Jewish ethnic activists. This site never struck me as particularly radical or controversial, but the goalposts on radical are changing constantly since zombie Biden was installed as figurehead. Now just being a Trump supporter can get u labeled an extremist.

[–]WhoFlu 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I apparently blocked that asshat pretty early. I don't remember why, but seeing/hearing someone I blocked was very buddy-buddy with the admins and contributing to the site was a VERY bad sign.

I think I saw a post of his recently (I was browsing in a logged out window, so I could see what someone was responding too) where he said something like "Sure I post a bunch of x-filth, y-filth, and z-filth, but I never posted any w-filth." So he was admitting being a troll. It's hard to be sure, but I think I might have origionally blocked him because he was intentionally posting content to drive people away from the website, and I suspected he was secretly a SJW who didn't believe anything he posted.

Someone else I recently promoted to a moderator in a guild was surprise-banned out of nowhere for no reason, and seemed to believe carp issued the ban.

I don't know why a single person would trust a guy like that, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was behind Captain and Kek basically giving up on the site.