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[–]casparvoneverecBig tiddy respecter 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There needs to be a formal, not legal route to secession. That is a government body declaring independence from DC. For example, in the USSR, the constituent republics had governments which declared independence. In America, the colonial government declared independence from Britain. In Latin America, it was colonial governments and provincial governors.

Only when a body like this declares independence do the local armed forces and population have something to rally around. In the US since both parties are ZOG puppets and the two party system precludes any new party from forming, its not possible to take control of a state or county legally.

In absence of that, we have to look at other histocial precedents like the German revolution or the independence of Czechia from Austria-Hungary or Poland from Germany. What happened there was that groups of armed/semi armed rebels and militias occupied the local government and city council and declared independence.

The way I see secession happening in the US is the following:

A group of white nationalist rebels or militia take over the state governor's office or county council office and declare independence from the US. Following their example, similar takeovers happen in other states. Local whites sympathetic to the cause swear fealty to the new regime. Local police forces either defect or desert.

At that stage it all comes down to whether the DC government can crush the rebellion. Do they have the stomach for guerilla war on their territory. And do they trust their own army. It would also depend on how eager or capable the US military is in a revolutionary scenario. Many might actually defect while others might advocate for aerial bombing of the rebel cities.

There are two key elements to such a scenario succeeding:

  1. White fanaticism. A lion share of white conservatives have to be fanatical enough that they'll risk life and limb for freedom. They will also have to drop their allegience to America and see the DC regime has an alien occupation force. No more tied to the rotting corpse of conservatism, American patriotism or Christian pacifism.

  2. Organization. There has to be enough white radicals who have secret organizations so that when the state is vulnerable enough, they can pull off the coup.