all 11 comments

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I think the entire course of my life would have been different had a watched a video like this in my teens.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The video is so good, I honestly rewatched it a second time.

Besides Race & IQ, the topic surrounding non-white slaveowners is just as taboo or heavily suppressed. Slavery is always portrayed as being a "White thing", yet what the Arabs were doing was x1000 worse. Today? Muslims/Arabs are still seen as a protective class, nor are they accused of "Arab Supremacy".

If I ever see someone in real life preach to me how "bad" White people are, I'm going to link them directly to this video and demand and explanation for why where Indians, Blacks and Arabs allowed to get away with it?

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you get a chance watch his video about the history of the native Americans in North America. That one is eye opening.

[–]ShalomEveryone✡️ 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

By far the best researched video I've seen on the internet

Best researched? He could not even provide a number of how many free Black slave owners there were.

You'll learn there where actual Black slave owners who defended the Confederacy

At 4:07, the host of the video goes on to say "there are no accurate estimates of the numbers of slaves held by free blacks at the time of the civil war but there would have been tens of thousands of them". In 1830, 3,775 free Black people owned 12,740 Black slaves. In 1830 there was a total of 2,009,048 slaves in America. Free Black people owned .63% of slaves in America. Free blacks owned less than one percent of the Black slaves in America. For the sake of conversation, let's say free Black people owned 50,000 slaves. If that was the case in 1830, that means 2.5% of free Black people owned slaves. Is the infinitesimal number of slaves owned by free Blacks somehow supposed to negate the bondage, horrors and abuse millions of Black slaves endured for hundreds of years at the hands of White slave owners? America must not be held accountable for its actions because, "Blacks owned slaves too"?

4:34, the guy goes on to mention that America imported about 400,000 slaves and then mentioned how Brazil brought in millions of slaves. The number of slaves shipped over to Brazil is irrelevant. The topic at hand is American slavery, not Brazilian slavery. A brief description of the video says, "Jared Taylor demolishes the claim that American slavery was somehow uniquely vicious." Only what happened in America, not Brazil matters. I did like it when the host mentioned that in America slave owners raised slave families. The guy glossed over the fact that at a moment's notice, that family is broken up as the son, daughter and/or cousin are shipped off to different plantations throughout America. The guy also glosses over the fact that in America, Black female slaves were forced to have a large number of kids to provide a constant stream of new, soon to be slaves.

6:08, the guy deflects to Arabs shipping off African slaves to the Middle East. What does slavery in the Middle East have to do with slavery in America? Arab slavery is bad because Africans were castrated, American slavery is good because African slaves were not castrated?

Arabs who captured European Men and made them their gay sex slaves.

Therefore slavery in America was not, "uniquely vicious"?

If you see anyone Left or Right, defending diversity and multiculturalism on the internet, link to them this video and get their reaction.

What's their reaction supposed to be after watching the video? Diversity is bad because America received less slaves than Brazil? Diversity is bad because some Europeans were enslaved by Arabs?



[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is the infinitesimal number of slaves owned by free Blacks somehow supposed to negate the bondage, horrors and abuse millions of Black slaves endured for hundreds of years at the hands of White slave owners? America must not be held accountable for its actions because, "Blacks owned slaves too"?

He's not defending the actual slave system itself, but Mr. Taylor is correct to point out that it was never uniquely a White American position. In fact, besides there being Black Slave owners in the USA, we also know Native Indians too had owned Blacks slaves as well.

Smith and Miles agree that much of early American history is explained poorly by modern morality but effectively by simple economics and power dynamics. “The Cherokee owned slaves for the same reasons their white neighbors did. They knew exactly what they were doing. In truth,” Smith said, the Cherokee and other “Civilized Tribes were not that complicated. They were willful and determined oppressors of blacks they owned, enthusiastic participants in a global economy driven by cotton, and believers in the idea that they were equal to whites and superior to blacks.”

But when have Native Indians ever been demonized or brow beating for participating in this system of slavery? Why don't we hear about Native Indian Power or Supremacy, and it must be dismantled or forced to pay reparations? Absolutely never.

Native Indians are always portrayed as victims or a protective class that are exempt from criticism.

4:34, the guy goes on to mention that America imported about 400,000 slaves and then mentioned how Brazil brought in millions of slaves. The number of slaves shipped over to Brazil is irrelevant. The topic at hand is American slavery, not Brazilian slavery. A brief description of the video says, "Jared Taylor demolishes the claim that American slavery was somehow uniquely vicious." Only what happened in America, not Brazil matters.

Slavery was a global phenomenon, so the comparison to Brazil and the Arab world remains apt. As pointed out in the video, many more slaves where brought to different parts of the new world and were simply worked to death. In comparison to what was happening in the U.S, there was at least recognition of keeping their slaves alive and caring for them, because there was never that many to begin with.

Therefore slavery in America was not, "uniquely vicious"?

If the Americans were considered "vicious", what do we call it when Arabs literally sent slave ships all the way to Iceland in search of White Women to bring home and force them into sexual slavery? Mr. Taylor also makes the observation that Arab pirates weren't just looking for workers, but they also believed enslaving Europeans was a form of "revenge" against the Christian world for resisting them. Especially in Spain which use to be under Muslim rule and Arab Pirates lead many slave capturing rings on that location.

What's their reaction supposed to be after watching the video? Diversity is bad because America received less slaves than Brazil? Diversity is bad because some Europeans were enslaved by Arabs?

Diversity is bad because bringing two races together always results in animosity that would not exist if they were originally kept separate. Slavery is ironically, one of those systems that brought different cultural groups together and the dynamics was always lopsided. Sounds familiar? Illegal immigrants, especially those of Hispanic origin, flood into the U.S to work the jobs that Liberals or Conservatives love to say "you wont do". But what they actually mean by this is they love Illegal Hispanic labor taking over grass cutting or toilet cleaning jobs and exploiting the hell out of them by paying them pennies. It's slavery but in a different and more "kosher" name because we're suppose to believe all these illegal immigrants coming to America and subjecting themselves to these cruel and inhumane positions is a good thing! It's enriching! Except, it's creating a new underclass of people who resent the majority population and will do worse to the Natives than what the Natives are currently doing to them.

[–]wristaction 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If the slaves sold in Boston by Jewish auctioneers were castrated, we wouldn't have the diversity problems we're experiencing.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He could not even provide a number of how many free Black slave owners there were.

Historian Tony Martin has these numbers if you want them. Or you can check the archives of your Jewish ancestors slave trading holding companies. They kept pretty good records on this.

Is the infinitesimal number of slaves owned by free Blacks somehow supposed to negate the bondage, horrors and abuse millions of Black slaves endured for hundreds of years at the hands of White slave owners?

What makes you think Mr. Taylor is trying to do that here. He clearly says at the end of the video his goal is simply to counter the claim made by Time magazine. He even quotes it word for word at the end of the video

Europeans and their colonial descendants in the United States engineered the most complete and enduring dehumanization of a people in history -Time Magazine

That is wildly exaggerated and an obvious false claim aimed at upsetting race relations in the United states for financial and political gain. That's what Taylor is speaking to and it's incredibly disingenuous and bad faith of you to imply that Mr. Taylor is doing this to cheapen the suffering of blacks under american slavery. Why would dissidents want to "negate the bondage, horrors and abuse millions of Black slaves under slavery" when it's so apparent that Jews ran most of the slave trade? The dissident movement is all about exposing Jews and their millennia long control over usury, finance and slavery of all types.

America must not be held accountable for its actions because, "Blacks owned slaves too"?

Why should modern american tax payers be held accountable for black slavery? Many were not even here during slavery as they came in on later waves of immigration. Very very few can trace their family lines to an 'ownership family. Are you willing to admit that if we really did trace 'slave owner' family that some would be non white and many would be Jews? Are your ready to extract billions of dollars from Jews to pay reparations to blacks? In fact many white Americans can actually trace their lines to a northerners that died ending slavery! Do those white people get a pay out for ending it? And don't get me started on how fruitless and dangerous this idea of fixing the past with payouts can be. That just creates more people that feel cheated and more aggression and war to fix those thefts. Most people that say they want vengeance for some historical event hundreds of years ago are just doing if for power and they will almost always be exposed as manipulating that historical data for their own gains.

I know Jews have exploited and wronged my people (non Jewish European) for thousands of years but I don't want to kill or enslave them to pay me and my family back. Do you see how dangerous this game of historical reparation can be my Jewish friend? If Jews had to payback everyone in the world they've wronged I doubt they would own anything at all. Do you want to bankrupt world Jewry?

The number of slaves shipped over to Brazil is irrelevant.

How so? The original claim (again) is that "Europeans and their colonial descendants in the United States engineered the most complete and enduring dehumanization of a people in history". Therefore, South American and arab slaving is relevant. If arab or south american or any non European slaving is longer or more brutal then it certainly refutes Time magazines claim. You are constantly arguing with logical fallacy and moving the goal posts around. That is against our sub rules so please watch this our you won't be allowed to post here. Other users have already complained about your bad faith arguing and one has even left the sub because of it.

The guy also glosses over the fact that in America, Black female slaves were forced to have a large number of kids to provide a constant stream of new, soon to be slaves.

Most would consider allowing slaves to live a full life and have families to be less cruel then working them to death like in Haitian Sugar plantations or with galley slaves. You're just trying to twist common sense to help your argument. Sure it's cruel that the children of those slaves became slaves but that should make you even more in support of European peoples because again they were the leaders in ending slavery.

the guy deflects to Arabs shipping off African slaves to the Middle East. What does slavery in the Middle East have to do with slavery in America?

Again he's not deflecting he literally giving evidence to his original thesis that demonizing white Europeans and white Americans as the leading 'engineers' of slaving is historically inaccurate and wrong to do.

Arabs who captured European Men and made them their gay sex slaves.

Therefore slavery in America was not, "uniquely vicious"?

No. It would make arab slaving uniquely vicious. Nice attempt to confuse the issue and muddy the argument though.

Diversity is bad because America received less slaves than Brazil?

No. Jared Taylor was not outlining why diversity is bad in this video. He has other videos for that. He had one focus: upsetting a liberal myth about slavering being Unique to Europeans and Uniquely brutal when done by Europeans. Neither claim is true.

Diversity is bad because some Europeans were enslaved by Arabs?

This is one of the most clear examples I've seen from you where you are clearly arguing in bad faith. Your time in this discussion group will be very short if you keep this up. Jared Taylor very clearly did not make this argument in this video and you know that. You are just being slippery. Your goal here doesn't seem to be debate but rhetoric, sophistry, and strawmanning. Think about how you post in the future on this sub please. Thanks.

[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Arab slavery is bad because Africans were castrated, American slavery is good because African slaves were not castrated?

No, American slavery was bad because the African slaves were not castrated. This led directly to America being overrun by niggers today. Thanks, jews.

[–]PunisherStickerGuy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Ref: The 'Time' article in question.

It discusses the "anthropological" concept of degeneration, a false concept born of naive scientific practice at best.

Have other cultures outside of the European lineage created such narratives concerning other races?

Example: Clearly the Arab nations had inferior views of Europeans but did they have similar "scientific" narratives about European inferiority?

[–]EuropeanAwakening14 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Most science occurs in European societies.

[–]Richard_Parker 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I want to get the book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters by Robert C Davis. 40.00 is a bit steep for a paperback though.