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[–]NayenezganiNot alt-right 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Unfortunate, and yet not exceptional. I'm too blackpilled regarding nature/environmentalism but in normal circumstances I would have regretted what occurred in Eastern Europe under Communism. Though, I do imagine West Africa could have been a significantly better place if Thomas Sankara wasn't assassinated. I don't care that much about black people either way, but it seems like a lot of people in alt-right communities just want to recycle the same conversations about racial differences in IQ for the sake of their own ego. Same thing that alienated me from race-realist communities even if it does seem like the subject matter is valid. Why would I care that much if a certain race had a lower IQ on average?

Thanks again for your comment.

No problem.

[–]Nombre27 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Why would I care that much if a certain race had a lower IQ on average?

It's a matter of proximity and proportion. As one group grows in number while another shrinks, you'll start to see the problems manifest, e.g. all those terrible democrat (!) controlled cities that appear to be corrupt shitholes, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, and South Africa. As this proportional demographic shift grows and spreads, so too will the problems.

Hence why acquiring an autonomous territory for our people (likeminded and voluntary) is a priority.

[–]NayenezganiNot alt-right 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I live in an area (outside the first world) where the black population is almost nonexistent. They will be mostly staying off my lawn while I (hopefully) get to reap the benefits of doing business with them in the future. I know that compassion is alarmingly disjunct from intelligence, and my cynicism compels me to believe that most stupid people would apply genius in malicious ways if they had it. Dumb psychopaths occupy prisons while smart psychopaths occupy, heh, Wall Street. It seems to me that most people only think of two things when they consider others: 1) Is this person useful? 2) Is this person willing to be useful to me? The stereotype content model is probably one of the most succinct descriptions of human interaction. The basis is not love/hate, but admiration/pity/envy/loathing.

And those who are worthy of admiration are so abnormally few. I think the alt-right could be more aggressive in competing for their support. Make them an offer they can't refuse. Someone on your side needs to research and draft functional policies down to the most minute details, no AOC-tier vagueness. I think you might have heard of John Coster-Mullen, the truck driver who somehow reverse-engineered Little Boy and Fat Man as a hobby. Imagine that dedication invested into drafting a hypothetical model for universal healthcare or something. Most people who would respond to the type of discourse here are probably already in the movement, show society in general a good alternative to the current government. I don't have skin in the game but I would support anyone who could produce a technical plan on how to restore social and economic equilibrium to the USA, even if they are a group I would not like to associate with normally.