all 9 comments

[–]casparvoneverecBig tiddy respecter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I wrote a lengthy answer in the comments of that thread but SNS probably didn't notice it so I'll re-post it here:

Don't believe everything you see on the net. Alot of these are bogus conspiracy theories and schizo posts done by intel agencies and think tanks.

The Chinese have no need of Lebensraum. You need that when you have growing population and limited land. China's population is collapsing and rapidly aeging and its TFR is 1.3, below Germany, Austria or even Poland.

China needs more manpower, not less. It lacks the luxury to export any. This schizo conspiracy was long aimed at Russia. The yellow peril. The theory was that hordes of Chinamen would migrate to the lightly populated Russian far east and take it over.

Nothing of the sort has happened. In fact, the Chinese terriroties adjacent to Russia have been depopulated by low birth rates and mass migrations to the Cities.

Chinese birth rates will collapse even further as it automates more, stable jobs vanish and youths are shoved into ever more expense and claustrophobic cities. Shanghai has a birth rate of .7 and Beijing has similar numbers.

This is where China's brightest go mind you. These are IQ shredders.

As for bioweapons and such...look, bioweapons are WMDs like nukes. If they were used against the US, it would no different than using nukes. The US would counter attack with nuclear missiles as well.

Plus China can't invade the US no matter how weak the US military gets. It has nukes and it would destroy invasion fleet. Not to mention the near impossible logistics of sustaining an invasion force 6000 km away with little in the way re-supply bases.

China isn't the invincible titan we imagine it to be. It has collapsing birth rates, massive levels of debt, catastrophic environmental damage and its rural children are retards with 85 IQ. They are breeding. Its a giant for sure, but its a giant on clay feet.

It seems formidable because the US is a giant on sand feet.

As for Jews controlling China and censorship. The MSM promotes Uyghur genocide and Hong Kong color revolutions against China. There are two factions in the US elite. There's the neocon-American intelligence faction that wants the US to remain the hegemon and seeks to thwart China.

Then there's the leftist, techno-fag, libertine oligarchic elites like Zuckerberg, Musk, Gates and Dorsey. They want in into Chinese money. The Jews helped Mao into power but Mao's men were purged by Deng months after his death.

Most of the Chinese economy is state owned enterprises and its large conglomerates are also owned by native Chinese. Plus, in China like Russia, capital is subordinate to state, not the other way around. The CCP regularly kills and imprisons billionaires. Something like that is unthinkable in the US.

Jewish power in the US stems from a variety of levers. They control media, entertainment and elite universities, this allows them to influence culture. Jewish billionaires and spies buy and blackmail political candidates, thus allowing them to control elected officials. As for the deep state, Jews or people owned by them are promoted to high positions like the CIA director or FBI director or supreme court justices.

Thus, in this manner they control the deep state, culture and elected officials. This allows them to control the US government and society as a whole. Its not just finance and corporations. This is a misunderstanting of a lot of dissidents.

Owning the banks isn't enough. If the intel agencies wanted, they could raid and nationalize the banks tomorrow and kick Rothschilds into prison. Control of government is what's really important. The Jews only were able to begin their cultural revolution in the US in the 60s because by then they had seized control of these levers of power.

They were able to control them largely due to the massive number of Jews present in the US, over 5 million at the time. There are very few Jews in China and they simply can't control their deep state like the US. Yes, they can influence and cut deals with them owing to their control of global finance but they can't run them like cattle as they do in the US.

Remember, WW2 turned out the way it did not because of Rothschild or Warburg banking power in the US, but because Roosevelt's admin was filled with Jews and communists. He was a senlie and literally impotent old man run completely by his advisors.

His treasury secretary, the Jew Morgantheu added the Morgantheu plan which made it impossible for Hitler to seek an armistice early on. Harry Hopkins was the main advisor on foreign policy and Harry Dexter White was the finance advisor. Both were revealed to be communist spies.

These two brainwashed Roosevelt to fold to Stalin's every whim and they sabotaged the aid to Chiang kai shek. They spread the rumor that Kai Shek stole all US funds and persuaded roosevelt to minimize aid to them and even force Chinag to bring the communists into government. They were determined to see Chiang lose the civil war and hand China to the communists. Hopkins was an anti-semite who praised Stalin for removing the Jewish influence from communism.

Roosevelt told Churchil openly that socialism was the future and he intended to give Stalin everything he wanted. He along with Eisenhower deliberately sabotaged Patton's third army in France and prevented him from ending the war six months earlier. They were determined to hand over eastern europe and Germany to Russia.

Roosevelt also under influence from Morgantheu wanted to indiscriminately kill 50,000 German officers after the war. Stalin upon hearing this in Yalta wanted to increse it to 100,000. Only Churchill's vigorous protests stopped this psychotic plan.

Churchill and Stalin didn't even want unconditional surrender but Morgantheu nudged Roosevelt to declare it. Churchil protested the Morgantheu plan that called for complete deindustrialization of Germany and deaths of nearly 20 million Germans. In response morg threatened to withold post war funds unless he relented.

Fortunately, Roosevelt died in April 1945. Truman was not an impotent imbecile like him and resisted the Soviets. His firm footing saved Japan and all of Korea from Sovietization. He also cancelled Morg's genocidal plan on Germany.

Indignant, Morgantheu threatened to resign if his plan was rescinded and Truman showed him the door. He removed the shackles from Germany and thus saved her people form mass starvation and genocide.

Tell me, did Rothschild/warburg control of US finance suddenly vanish for 1.5 years? A more likely explanation was that the extreme Jewish faction temporarily lost control of the oval office and WASP sanity was restored. Truman also purged Jewish spies like Rosenberg who passed atomic secrets to Stalin.

Its not a coincidence that he was and is still reviled by the US media and academia.

The point i'm trying to make here is that what matters is control of state and culture. Just financial might isn't enough.

[–]DisastrousDepth14Race comes first[S] 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I did read your comment back there. What I'm asking is what do you think their end goal is?

[–]Fitter_HappierWhite Nationalist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

What is their end goal?

What is our goal? To secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. If this is terrorism then I'm Santa Claus.

[–]DisastrousDepth14Race comes first[S] 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Not ours, the establishment.

[–]Fitter_HappierWhite Nationalist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I understand, I'm just saying whatever their goal is (our destruction) ours is to do whatever we have to to survive.

[–]DisastrousDepth14Race comes first[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Of course, that's what we're fighting for after all.

[–]ChairmanLmaoSupreme Dear Leader Chairman Lmao Zedong 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

China loves the J's. There are literally books in China with names that hilariously translate to things like 'How to make money like a Jew'. What they've done is taken the 'stereotypes' about J's (money-grubbing, etc.) but bizarrely interpreted them in a positive light. This is probably also why the only well-known non-Chinese CCP members were J's, like Rittenburg and Epstein. That being said, it's hard to see Xi as working towards some sort of long-term plan with them. However, he's almost certainly still a believer in Marxism, or at the very least feigning a more dogmatic approach in order to sideline more 'pragmatic' opponents. The cult of Mao, for example, has made a comeback, despite his comparative repudiation by Deng and the other pre-Xi leaders. Admittedly, more positive things like nationalism, Buddhism and Confucianism have also made comebacks, but when such groups emerge that become powerful enough to threaten the CCP like the Falun Gong or Eastern Lightning (there was also a neo-Maoist party that received similar treatment), they are dealt with in horrific ways.

China is just a few decades behind the West in terms of the pozz. On some issues like feminism they're about the same or perhaps slightly worse, though they're less pozzed on alphabetism and genderfluidity. However, years ago I heard that some in the CCP were beginning to problematize feminism, but I heard nothing more about whether they actually made moves to reverse it. Racial discrimination laws are also building up in China because the CCP wants to force diversity on the masses around as much as the Left-liberal 'elites' in the West are. Most of the Chinese I met, yes, those fresh off the boat in the West, fit the 'smartphone zombie' stereotype to a tee. Very self-absorbed, though also very cliquish and reluctant to work with racial outsiders when required to work with other people. So, atomization is indeed impacting them, but perhaps not in ways that lead to racial egalitarianism, out-group preference, ethnomasochism and similar nonsense, too.

Chinese rightists (who are generally called 'leftists' because of China's warped political spectrum where liberalism is 'right' and nationalism, Confucianism and other more conservative ideologies are 'left') hate the CCP with a passion. They've pretty much trashed all of China's history in the name of 'progress'. They've commodified much of what's left of it, for example, only rebuilding parts of the Great Wall where tourists were likely to visit and leaving the rest to rot. In spite of all this, Xi farcically labelled the CCP the greatest defenders of China's traditions or something similarly outrageous.

My own view is that China will rapidly occupy/install puppet governments in most of Asia after some point arrives in which it is widely recognized that China has become the conclusive world power while America is simply seen by the world as another Brazil and is thus harmless again. The world will make a bit of noise but most states will be indifferent. Many states are already practically their allies/puppets, although their influence sometimes declines when pro-liberal/Western factions retake a few areas like Sri Lanka and the Maldives. There are already majority Chinese cities in Cambodia, for example. If they occupy countries like Russia/Australia/NZ, I suspect they will wipe out their non-Asian inhabitants and replace them outright rather than lord over such 'diverse' populations, but they will have to dominate Asia before they can expand towards Europe and the Americas. The rest of Asia will probably be used to solve the problem of single Chinese men, especially when much of Asia instead has excess women. Whether they can pull this off before the rampant feminism, massive gender imbalance, low birth rates, general 'softness' of the youth, etc. begins taking a serious toll and affects China's national stability, remains anyone's guess. I think Xi wants to ensure that Hong Kong and possibly Taiwan are conquered before his time is up so that he will go down in history as a 'reunifier' of China, and they are indeed where China will make its first moves.

[–]DisastrousDepth14Race comes first[S] 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting I must say.

[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I made several responses in that thread explaining why that particular theory seems improbable. I will link my replys here in case anyone is interested. In short, though, I don't think this is something we really need to worry about.