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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I forgive you, and thanks. Let's continue to be cordial, good sir.

What misconceptions do I have about Christianity? It is you who seem to have those misconceptions.

What Bible do you use? I'll argue that it's co-opted, whichever one you trust. History has been re-written, and real answers will come through the hard sciences of genetics, linguistics, and archaeology, mixed with the comparative analysis of all human mythos. The Bible has been re-written a dozen times, albeit in slight ways each time. Where is the Bible of the old Gaelic Church? Burned. The Gnostics, how about their complete Bible? Lost, and the remains have been co-opted. What about the other savior-cults, where are their Bibles?

They are all gone. This is what mean. You place all of your understanding of history on the basis of those biblical tales being mostly true. I think they are only kind of true, no more true than any other occulted knowledge made somewhat public, and that truth has been spiritualized to the nth degree, to the great dismay of the wise.

I don't want you to turn away from Christianity! Never! Especially if you are descended from the ancient semites who colonized Europe. Jesus is truly the best of you, and I'm glad that some of you acknowledge that. As I said, I like Jesus a lot and have respect for some of his teachings, be they accurate to what he truly said, or no. What I don't like is how badly the Hebrew man has conquered Europe, and how modern folk just roll over and go along with it. Where is the reality? You actually believe that Israelites were the natives of Europe. This is what Jews teach in college right now. Google Alex Wolf, he supports the whole "Gaelic people are just Phoenicians" schtick, which is only somewhat true. Two Gaelic languages existed, but only one is alive today. Guess which one that is? The one with Semitic roots. Surprise. Surprise.

Where are you from? Perhaps you truly are one of the Semitic Europeans, I mean the Hebrews who colonized that land. There were non-semitic non-Hebrew folk living there before those ancient Israelites, and I am descended from them, and most likely, you also share some of that blood with me. Maybe not though.

What did the Milesians do when they went to Ireland? Fought against the native rulers, forced them to assimilate over generations of warfare. What did the Greeks do, and the Romans, those Gentiles (Israelites living outside of Israel, outside of the Law) the Bible speaks of? What did they do? They fought the native rulers and tried to impose their own rule over the world. Ever wonder why history lessons seem to start with the Greeks and the Romans, and if it goes back any deeper it only covers other ancient semites? That's because the Hebrew man wants the world to view history as being Hebrew, our ancient kingdoms as being always Hebrew, and that we are either the dispossessed eleven tribes, or the untouchable Jew. Modern scholarship tries to convince the world of the false reality of a Semitic Europe, but you must wonder... Why did they focus so much hate on the Northern lands? Europe's history is of Native fighting against the evil Semitic colonists, and losing. They did the exact same thing in the Americas, to great effect.

I want you to acknowledge the rights of the natives, if you are truly of one of those lost tribes of Israel. Stop acting like your Jew cousins. If you are truly chosen by some higher power, act like it.

I know that Jesus opposed the synagogue, yes. If you met Jesus, would you bow to him? I already know that you cede moral authority over to him, and that he is your king. So, would you how to him?

I contend that if you did bow to him, he would pick you up and explain to you why such a thing should never happen. As I said, I like that you recognize that Jesus is the best of you guys. However, many people in the world have found and will continue to find salvation on their own, without Jesus.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

My PC crashed after I had written a length message so I'm sorry for not giving you a proper response, but its getting late at this point. I mostly agree with what you've written here. I think your trust in "science" is slightly misguided, but ok, it is what it is, and I would love to have that conversation another time, because it is a huge topic.

The important message from what I had written is that what they are teaching in college is not what I am teaching. They are teaching that they are Israelites, that they are hebrew, that they are jews, that judaism came first, then christianity, then islam etc.

I am from the tribe of Dan, Denmark.

The reason that they hate Northern Europe is because we are the israelites and Jesus rejected THEM. They are racemixers. They still hold a grudge against us for that reason.

I want you to acknowledge the rights of the natives, if you are truly of one of those lost tribes of Israel. Stop acting like your Jew cousins. If you are truly chosen by some higher power, act like it.

The natives you speak of are Israelites. The jews are not my "cousins". They are children of the devil, did you forget?

I know that Jesus opposed the synagogue, yes. If you met Jesus, would you bow to him? I already know that you cede moral authority over to him, and that he is your king. So, would you how to him?

I contend that if you did bow to him, he would pick you up and explain to you why such a thing should never happen. As I said, I like that you recognize that Jesus is the best of you guys. However, many people in the world have found and will continue to find salvation on their own, without Jesus.

Jesus would serve me and I him. This is what he teaches.

There is no salvation but through Jesus. Jesus did not come for everyone in this world. He only came for the Israelites, Gods chosen race.

You're seeing everything through the eyes of jewish doctrine. Try to understand the consequences if Whites are the Israelites and Jews are deceivers, wolves in sheeps clothing ("fellow whites"/"fellow israelites"). They speak lies like their father the devil.
Everything that comes out of the mouth of a jew is a lie. It is not his fault for he was born this way. In many ways, their fate is sad.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Is there any place you can point me to for evidence of these views? I'm interested in hearing you out, even though I disagree wholeheartedly with your cultic views concerning salvation and the white race.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I would say read the bible when Jesus talks to the jews.
Jesus telling them that they do not belong to God but to the devil in john 8:
44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. 45But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me! 46Which of you can prove Me guilty of sin? If I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47Whoever belongs to God hears the words of God. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God

In the story about the Caananite woman, Jesus says that he only came for the israelites, not dogs like her. She likens herself to a dog and Jesus shows her mercy for her faith in him.

So jews that don't believe in the words of Jesus aren't Israelites, they are children of the devil. Jews that do believe in Jesus are called Christians. All jews believe in Jesus. Because as Jesus said, those that are called will hear, those that are not called will not hear. And Jesus came for the israelites, jews are included in that.

The point being that those who call themselves jews today and don't believe in Jesus are pretenders, liars, children of the devil.

I think a place to find information about this is a site called Christians for truth, search for their articles about israelites and who are the jews.

Another source of information, outside of the bible, would be the Nicea letters from 325, where the founders of the Catholic church distances themselves from the jews, the father killers. Or read Urban II's speech about the first crusades and related letters. The Christian nations didn't go to war over Jerusalem to save Israel for the jews, but against the jews and muslims, so that the Israelites (Christians) could regain their promised Holy lands. Deus vult. Or read Luther about the jews. He is not nice about it.

About salvation:
John 14:6 6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I would seriously recommend just reading the verses where Jesus speaks. Nowhere else in the bible.
He takes huge issue with the "jews" of his time, money lenders etc.
Another clue that Jesus don't like modern jews. He told us not to call anyone a Rabbi but him. Yet how many jewish rabbis do you know?

Can I ask you why you think it is cultic views? Because I disagree with what you've been taught by jews about Christianity?
I read the bible, the founders of the Catholic and protestant churches. If you think they were friendly with jews or that their religion included jews as the "chosen race", then you are sadly mistaken.

I would recommend reading about Israel (Jacob and Esau) in the bible. Why did God choose Jacob over Esau? Esau = Edomites = race mixers = so-called jews. Jacob = whites

There is also a video called 100 proofs israelites were whites.
Our names for one. Norway is a tribe of Israel, Naphtali, Dan is a tribe of Israel, Saxons = Isaac Sons, etc.