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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

For a full conversation to White Nationalism? No. But getting everyday people to re-adjust their expectations on race and diversity? Absolutely.

There's an interview of Jared Taylor I can find where he did employ this exact tactics with a journalist. He respectfully listened to what the other person had to say, but he never backed down on the question of WHY is it so important to replace White people? I think it was some CNN guy who challenged him to a debate. But converting people is asking for the best case scenario. I rather go after the foundation of why so many people today believe the things they do. After all, imagine if you were taught Santa Claus as a kid, but never had anyone tell you he was fake? It's hard to fault these people that they fall into this trap of thinking diversity is perfect, because the only media they were exposed to said it was that way.

I also share the same feelings when it comes to debunking Creationism. It's very popular to grow up in religions that demonize evolution theory and forbid contact from reading such material. But debunk some of the most common misconceptions used against evolution (i.e did we really come from monkeys?) and the rest should fall apart easily.