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[–]antireddit 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The Israel sub has been locked due to massive hate attacks.

For every heavily modded post full of deleted comments attacking Israel on subs like publicfreakout, you can find several videos of some white woman getting beaten senseless for being "racist" with zero moderation, zero deleted comments, full of Jewish shills praising this violence.

The fact Jewish hypocrisy is coming back to bite them and they have to play the victim by describing the very same hate they dish out on white people as "hate attacks" when its directed at them is just an example of their own arrogance, hypocrisy and selfishness. They really seem to think they should never be judged by the same standards they direct at everyone else.

But dont worry, they are anxiously awaiting the next Michael Brown they can make a martyr of to distract from their own far worse crimes, without any foresight to see that this same tired tactic will again come back to haunt them. That the woke frankenstein monster they created is turning against them is what is known as karma, and its only going to get worse. The hypocrisy is just too extreme to ignore.

However bad this may seem, when you control the media, social media, the internet, and have a thousand aggressive and well funded lobby groups and bought politicians all working on your behalf, they will simply ride this out and suppress as much as they can while using controlled opposition to water down peoples anger, and they will be back to the same old shit without ever having missed a beat. We've all seen this play out before.