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[–]Jacinda 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am not a moral relativist but realistically, given the constraints of the present, it it is difficult at any point in time to know what the right side of history really means. I am quite sure given the bitterness of the defeat and the intense allied propaganda by 1945 many German's would have felt intense shame. It might be better to read first hand accounts from before the war when a sense of high moral virtue drove participation in the Reich.

David Cole writes vividly about the shame instilled in the average German and contrasts it with the Japanese where the war leaders were (after a suitable peiod of absence) simply reinstated.


The bottom line of my fascination was, what are the psychological effects of living in a nation where a foreign force came in and told you “everything you were was bad. Everything you stood for was bad. And now we’re going to remake you into a good people and a good country, whether you like it or not. You were foul, you were vile, you were monsters. But now, we’ll try to make you into decent humans…not that you have any say in the matter.”

If I could go back in time and reverse history of course I would. The real problem is given imperfect knowledge, and our very real human limitations how do we act in the present. Our actions shouldn't be constrained by something that happened eighty years ago.