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[–]Girondin 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I personally use to think he was stupid for the longest time however my opinion has overall changed and I think he got a lot of things right.

All his science denial-ism comes from Spengler, who denied atoms, molecules, energy, biological evolution etc as myths. Much of the Imperium could be argued to be plagiarism of Spengler, though it is a polemical not scholarly work, I personally think that people should read Imperium instead of decline and the west, he gets a lot of the good parts and is magnitudes more readable. The essense Yockeyism is pan-Europeanism, his science denialism is peripheral.

Also his concept of a "spiritual race" seems to be a reaction against European division-ism / nordicism (for example of this see Wilmot Robertson) which creates unnecessary European disunity. I do like his concept of "vertical-ism" (supremacy) vs "horizontal-ism" (somewhat similar to ethno-pluralism) in discussion of race are pretty good terms to use.

It is important to keep in mind in regards to his proposal of "red-brown alliance" that the political landscape was totally different, trust in government was much higher, you can find many racialist groups of this time period praise and support the FBI (see KKK and George Lincoln Rockwell), it wasn't cautious American support vs Soviet zealotry which I thought was the case.

Their is too much to unpack and discuss with Yockey, I recommend Kerry Bolton's book "Yockey: A Fascist Odyssey" (written by racialist who is pro Yockey, and is extremely in depth, note that it is a apologia for Yockey) and Kevin Coogan's book on Yockey "dreamer of the day", note that Coogan was a counter-extremist researcher so it is not pro-Yockey.

[–]YJaewedwqewqClerical Fascist 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I find myself agreeing with Tankies more than I do with lolbertardians, but that doesn't mean I like Communists, they are by and large disgusting faggots like Vaush.

Yockey wasn't a retard but I do think he was wrong in general, and red-brown alliance will always end up with us getting stabbed in the back. People like NazBols or other LeftNats/more leftist 3rd Positionists (like Strasserists or maybe Ba'athists) exist and aren't at all a small faction, and they are far more loyal to our cause than commies that literally want to murder us and will give into wokeism or capitalism eventually.

It's exactly what happened (or would've happened) to Germany in WWI: They accidentally turned Russia Red (both in the Communist sense and the bathed in blood sense) and subsequently curbstomped the nascent Commies into surrendering and making huge concessions, but just after WWI, they tried to get Germany to fall to Communism as well with jewish agents like Rosa Luxembourg. Even if Germany had won, they would've done this. You can't trust Communists. Even if it may be advantageous to make very temporary and cautious alliances like Molotov-Ribbentrop, either we or they will always break it eventually, and this is a good thing.

Aligning ourselves with Communists like the Soviets or China or neo-Communists will always lead to one of two outcomes: Ridicule because our communist "allies" proved the adage about Communism's viability correct and get annihilated, or hatred because they somehow succeed and we have another Holodomor. We gain little, if anything, and lose extremely vital things in return.

Furthermore, the cycle of Jewish ideologies will always either go Communism > Capitalism > ZOG > OWG or it will go from Communism straight to ZOG or OWG, Communism is simply a stepping stone and belaying the inevitable with an equally horrible system that doesn't work and enslaves our own people, identically to Capitalism, except usually even worse.

It's also worthy to note that both systems give us horrible outcomes. Capitalism is more insidious, though. Capitalists will talk about "economic freedom", when in reality, the "freedom" offered by capitalism is tantamount to someone puttin you in a house and saying "you can leave any time you want, any way you want", but then nailing the doors shut and stringing barbed wire and electrified fencing across the windows. You can brute-force your way with lots of time and effort out the door (much like attempting to "grind" your way up the ladder in Capitalism) or try to go out the window, to great risk to yourself (like attempting to get lucky at the stock market).

At least communists are honest enough to just kill you or throw you and your family into a gulag if you are an annoyance, not that that outcome is any better.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yockey was a visionary and the first man to articulate everything that needed to be said in one place. He was the first to articulate what were organic processes amongst all the fascist movements across Europe and put it into a coherent book. Imperium is the most important book for any nationalist to read. Thuletide, on the other hand, is a textbook racist libtard, he reminds me a lot of Arnold Leese. Here is what Francis Parker Yockey had to say about Arnold Leese:

A curious tirade by a certain leese has been drawn to my attention. His name comes back to my mind as the author of a letter, in my possession, in which he says that he could not read Imperium, the book which he is attempting to attack despite a total lack of comprehension of its thesis. He widens the attack and brings in Oswald Spengler, the greatest European thinker of the 20th century. Strangely, he tries to make Spengler into an agent of the Jew, although the American Jewish press in 1945 repeatedly said that if Spengler were alive they would try him as a War Criminal.

To leese the idea of Europe constituted as one Culture-State-Nation-People-Race is also a Jew idea. This was the great leading idea of Adolf Hitler, and is the Destiny of the Western Culture, clearly portended by the present inner development of Europe, an Idea so universal and irresistible that even the churchills, the carping little enemies of Adolf Hitler, have adopted the Idea and are presently presenting their perverted and distorted version of this Idea to the world in the hope of riding this great, superpersonal, European, Hitlerian Idea. Thus, in the “logic” of leese, Adolf Hitler becomes an agent of the Jew, as well as Spengler and Mussolini.

It is obvious this man leese has never read Spengler any nor than he has ever read Imperium, which is written entirely in the spirit of Spengler and which is dedicated to the Hero of the Second World war – Adolf Hitler.

The counterpart of leese in the race with which he is obsessed is the New York Jew Walter Winchell. Both are evil-minded slinking snakes who think that they have achieved something when they unearth some trivial fact of a personal nature. Thus, leese crows like a cock on a dung-hill when he discovers my passport name, a name known to everyone with whom I am well acquainted. This he chooses to call my “real” name, although a pen-name is just as real as any other. The determining thing about a name is whether one can be proud of it or ashamed of it. The name leese can only be ashamed of it, for he has made it synonymous with the lowest king of prurient Jew obsession.

Never has he fought the Jew politically, never has he struck a blow for White European Civilization – while others fought the Jew he sat on the side, interrupting constantly to say: That one’s great-great-grandfather was a Jew – that one has a Jewish mistress, and other idiocies.

He says that I am a man of unknown mixed races whereas my race is perfectly clear and definite, whereas the race of leese is a matter of grave doubt. I have been told that the man leese has mongoloid and negroid ancestry, but it is not upon this point that I based my determination of his race. I note that his entire old-age has been spent in a Jew-obsession, but without any attempt to defeat the Jew politically, or to REALLY injure him in any way. He has never been known to espouse any positive cause or idea, but has contended himself with shadow-boxing with his beloved Jews. When a man devotes himself to a negation thus, he inevitably turns into a carbon-copy at which he is supposedly resisting. All the world to him is simply the Jew. If there were no Jews in the world, leese would lose his reason for existence. He has now been driven into the arms of Hollywood Bolshevism, and is angry because FRONT rejects Washington and Hollywood along with Moscow.

In truth, race is a horizontal classification of men, and not a vertical one, and in this meaning of race, leese must be classified as a Jew, since his life is devoted to Jewry. He attacks all REAL opponents of the Jew, but never effectively attacks the Jew. It is little import that he prefers the Frankfurter branch of his Jewish world to the Kaganovitch branch, for his world-outlook is exclusively Jewish in either case.

Whenever anyone announces and formulates an Idea which expresses the Spirit of the Age, an Idea which cuts across all older classifications and theories, he may expect the petty-raceless dim-wits from the day-before-yesterday, survivals form the previous century, will fail to understand, and will greet with greet hatred that to which they are not equal. However, none of that alters our course. The Liberation Front will continue to resist the Judaization of the West, and to fight for the sacred soil of Europe from Jew, Russia, and America.