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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The fact of the matter is, we are headed for an extinction level event in less than 30 years.

The sun will emit a micro-nova, the magnetic field will disappear, then flip, and also the Earth's crust, which is much less fixed upon the mantle than one might think, can rotate 90 degrees. All these things have happened repeatedly over the eons, and there is much proof of this.

There is a 12,000 year cycle of such events, with a 6,000 year half-cycle that has "only a flood" everywhere, submerging many places, etc.

Anyway, by the best estimates, we are 12,800 years into the ±12,000 year cycle. Overdue. In case you were still wondering about the Maya calendar that ended in 2012, well... You know where my money is.

Anyway, this is coming, this is inevitable. There is no known way that "civilization" such as it is, survives such an event. The super-rich and their families however, might be able to devise a plan. For example, set up a base on another planet in the solar system, with underground bunkers. Power this with enough juice, and you might even be able to concoct a magnetic field good enough to protect the inhabitants from cosmic rays once the natural magnetic fields go down.

I know, this sounds utterly outlandish, even delirious. But that's only because of all the lies we've been fed about an almost monolithic planetary interior and utter silence on the electromagnetic reliance of planets upon their star, and the star's reliance on the galactic electromagnetic field. These things fluctuate and bring with them a wide array of phenomena which sound a bit loony until you've studied it.

THIS GUY has done a large amount of multidisciplinary research and education on the topic:

Anyway, THAT is what I think Musk is about, and also Bill Gates with his "spray the atmosphere" bullshittery, looking for a completely different solution.