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[–]Oingo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Conservatism as we traditionally know it is a dead ideology. It simply doesn't make sense in modern times, where culture and demographics have deteriorated to the point where there isn't really anything to preserve.
At a risk of getting into semantics, conservatism is now generally a shorthand for 'conserving' the interests of the ruling class. The patriotism that conservatism usually entails simply doesn't make sense considering the 'nation' one should feel loyalty to has demographically and culturally disintegrated.
I genuinely believe the meme of neo-feudalism has a degree of credence. With the breakdown of the nation, we'll see a return of powerful lords, or the billionaires, controlling a working class of functional serfs with little to no leverage in negotiations. Those who don't organize on the lines of family, religion, and race will quickly be left defenseless and exploited by these lords.