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[–]Bagarmoossen 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The hysterical Covid response has been a disaster from day one, and it wouldn't surprise me if the vaccines end up being disastrous as well. New variants are already emerging and more are surely to come. At some point we might get a spanish-flu tier one that ends up killing 5-10% of the population. Maybe the vaccines coupled with immune-system weakening lockdowns will actually stimulate this process of more deadly and infectious mutations becoming dominant. We are placing hurdles to the spread of the virus, and by doing that we are increasing selective pressure over it. "Science" is failing spectacularly in front of our own eyes.

Regardless of what happens next, I am fairly sure that in one or two years' time everything we are witnessing right now will be publicly denounced by every single authority and everyone, from the media to politicians and scientists, will be scrambling to minimize their role in this genocidal madness. That will be a major opportunity for our side.