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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The statistics might be misleading with Botswana. It's one of the least population-dense countries in the world, and most of its economy is based around mining/natural resources. Not that GDP is a great way to evaluate a country's standard of living.

Then where does the IQ cut off come into play? Pretty much every nation in history got their start from trading resources so I find it suspicious why it "doesn't count" anymore. Even more so, they take the money they make from this industry, so they can fund other projects. Like in Rwanda, the country is capable of building their own smartphones now.

Ukraine has a similar level of development to the other former Soviet states, all of which suffered with the collapse of the USSR.

So it's not really genetics then that explains the irregularities in nation development. I'm glad we can agree then.

And just think about this for a second. I don't actually believe the plight of Ukrainians is because they're too "stupid" to fix themselves. Especially in third world countries, every day is a fight for survival. In more developed countries like the West, you don't always have to worry about getting shot just going to the grocery store. Or losing your only Hospital in town to foreign drone strikes. Yet this is reality for people living in constant warzones.

That an idea has been thought of somewhere before doesn't mean we have access to it. This is sort of besides the point.

But what are these "ideas" you are talking about? Again, such knowledge has to be worth billions so I can tell Microsoft or Apple how exactly they should run their businesses going forward.

The Flynn Effect is a limited phenomenon, where IQ rises some amount due to nutrition and sanitation. It's not the only thing affecting IQ, and IQ doesn't need to rise in order for civilization to advance if IQ is already at a sufficient level.

That still doesn't debunk what I said. I even pointed out, most Africans don't even have the luxury of living in the cities or getting good food. Industrialization and development is still an ongoing process that we wont know when they'll be finished with it. But at the same time, African countries continue to make huge advances that should never have been possible.