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[–]cisheteroscumWhite Nationalist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I see your 1994 paper

It's more of a survey, not a paper

raise you a 2000 one by Raven himself

Lol - John C Raven died in 1970. This article is by his son, J Raven junior

there has been a continuous increase in the scores at all levels of ability over time."

The Flynn Effect is not on g.. The "Flynn Effect" also appears to have no effect on group differences. Flynn admits this:

The magnitude of white/ black IQ differences on Wechsler subtests at any given time is correlated with the g loadings of the subtests; the magnitude of IQ gains over time on subtests is not usually so correlated; the causes of the two phenomena are not the same.” Flynn, 2013

Just continue reading from your own excerpt:

".. On the other hand, variation in scores between cultural groups which do differ on a variable which has also changed over time and been suggested as a possible explanation of the time differences strengthens the possibility of that variable playing a significant role in the process. Thorndike (1977) and Garfinkel and Thorndike (1976) listed a number of possible explanations of the time trends. However, the data available on the Progressive Matrices do not really support any them.

i think it is fair to say that the culture of a place today is not the same as it was 50 years ago. In other words, those two time points represent different cultures.

This "culture" argument has just always been dumb and gay, sorry. Why would ""culture"" affect intelligence so much? What aspect of "culture" is so different since 1950 for example to make people smarter? Watching more tik-tok videos and Netflix? Presumably you mean something like "education" or "socioeconomic status," - well, from your same paper:

"..Flynn (having, in 1984, queried Thorndike’s hypotheses concerning the Binet results) likewise concluded in his 1987 article that most ofthe common and obvious explanations of the RPM increase do not hold up. Among other things, he showed, through a detailed analysis of de Leeuw and Meester’s (1984) data, that changes in the amount of education people have could account for only 1 point of the 20-point IQ gain in RPM scores documented among servicemen. Changes in the intellectual quality of the home environment—at least insofar as it is indexed by SES—could account for little more."

So basically, egalitarians are stuffed. The Flynn Effect is real - but it's not on g, and we don't have a lot of good reasons for why this is happening (and even experts aren't even sure) (p.27). It's also probably over, as our genetic decline in intelligence outpaces our secular rise in IQ

I'm just ignoring your middle section. You can fantasize about some hitherto "untested" aspects of intelligence if you want and what they could mean for race and IQ differences - but in the meantime, g captures most anything we practically care about: and we have data on it for almost a century

when I was working with raven's matricies, the tests stopped being valid, because I stopped thinking about them as I was solving them, and could just pick the right answers without working them out, as quickly as I could write the answers down

Yeah all IQ tests lose their g-loadedness as you memorize them, something that has been known for decades.

My interest is in the upper end of the intelligence range, not with the general population

Ok well we're interested in both and the mean is especially relevant for racial outcomes in multiracial societies

They did very well

By what metric

I'd spend more time on your comment but no one is going to see it and you should just make a post on IQ/g instead.