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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That whole thread and subreddit are full of cuckservative takes regardless of whether its on Africa, abortion or whatever else, these people operate on a totally-different wave length. In many ways these ancap lolberts are far more worse in ideological terms than some tankie ancom troomer. I don't know why they use the term conservative, to be a CONSERV(e)ative you have to at least conserve something. Most of these lolberts want to remove everything from economic regulations that stop them from putting bleach in your water to society's discomfort with pedophilia.

On an unrelated note, the program seems like a waste of money regardless considering nature would take its course anyway. However, abortion is degenerate in my opinion on secular grounds not simply because it is a person killing their own progeny for inconvenience but also because it allows promiscuity without consequence (for both men and women) which leads to social decline. Although considering that, maybe we should be funding abortion centres in Israel not Africa...