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Say what you will, American cops are far better. At least they stop some crime. Many local police often don't go with every oewllian diktat from DC.

The thing about American police is that there is not really such an institution as it, its a decentralised system of law enforcement where the federal government only really controls the FBI and other agency law enforcement such as ATM. Below that you have state police and state troopers and then below that there are county police and municipal/town police. I mean you have even separate Jewish and Muslim "police" in New York, while in some rural counties right-wing lolbert militias act as a police. The relationship between these different levels of policing is not as co-operative either, if anyone has watched a cop show before they should be aware of this and know there can be tensions.

This isn't a Blue Lives Matter/bootlicking post btw, even some of the more "based" county police can be corrupt in other regards. But the police in Somewhere, Alabama and Portland, Seattle are obviously not following the same leadership. Meanwhile, European police services are highly centralised.