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[–]astronautrob 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's sad because it co-opted a big chunk of the "conspiracy theory" population and a lot of people got fooled. Some of those people came back and some are still hanging on to a world view they can't let go. I can't see how any one can make any more excuses after the pardons and what not today but people will have their opinions I suppose. Either way, the people who are still playing the partisan game and think that creppyJoe being elected is going to change the course someone to better or worse, are what's really sad. To not see the game at this point is willful ignorance. To not see that these guys all play for the same team, team green, is silly. I hope our numbers can keep trickling back, keep coming out of the hypnosis they've been in for the last 4 years. We need to get back on the same team.