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[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I hope Trump's final screw-ups are enough to get at least some people to start jumping off the Trump train which is heading straight for a metaphorical broken track. For their own sake, these people just need to get on with their lives as best as they can. Awful President, only redeeming light for him being the past three idiots of this century were just as bad if not worst in their own ways.

In other news, Q has seemingly even "conceded" as well by saying he's going away for a while. I wonder what the Qtards will do, although it seems like "Q" still wants them to be "believing". To be honest my personal theory on Q is a mix of the idea that its the Watkins family LARPing and a Government/Trump campaign psyop, whereby Watkins & son and some feds/paid data analyst-types co-operate, so if I'm right I honestly think its possibly maybe the Feds will continue the whole Q larp even after Trump goes simply because it is both a useful boogeyman and a great way to pacify a bunch of useless idiots.

[–]BigFatRetard 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think it's safe to say that Trump isn't as good as they say, and he isn't as bad as they say.

He isn't as good as they say because he spent 4 years on twitter talking about all the great things he'd do, but he didn't do any of them. Assange and Snowden haven't been pardoned, all these great documents haven't been declassified, he didn't force congress to balance a budget, he vetoed fewer bills than any president for the past 100 years, he never did get the hang of hiring administrators who weren't already part of the establishment.

He isn't as bad as they say because he spent 4 years on twitter talking about all the terrible things he'd do, but he didn't do any of them. He didn't lock up his political enemies, he didn't make any sweeping cuts to the government, he didn't go out starting all the wars people assumed he would, he didn't play the dictator card when he could have.

In my view, the past 4 years have done more to show people how fascistic the left has become. Trump tried to run the country, the Democrats spent 4 years trying to hang Trump's friends with frivolous investigations and and court cases, and use illegitimate means to hang him for the crime of winning an election they thought they deserved to win. Now they're forcibly silencing him using their 'friends' in the megacorps. They may have won the battle, but a lot of people saw something they can't support, and I think a lot of long-time democrat supporters have turned their backs on the Democrats as a result.