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[–]yesofcoursenaturally 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why can we never have hot Latinas diversify shows?

Because a tremendous amount of this schtick is spite. The goal is to make people upset, not make things palatable.

It's a bit like how wearing a mask and social distancing is treated as a tremendously important, life-or-death rule. But not so important that the goal is to make people who don't like these rules truly like them or feel comfortable with them. If people didn't mind wearing masks or socially distancing (and I'm OK with both, because I don't like most people anyway), it would defeat the purpose and appeal for many.

Same with shows like this. If it were palatable to more people, those making it would find it undesirable.